hydrogen alpha

Webb Sees a Supercluster of Galaxies Coming Together

As a species, we've come to the awareness that we're a minuscule part of a vast Universe defined by galaxy…

2 months ago

Enjoy This Eye-Meltingly Awesome Photo of Our Sun

Here's yet another glorious photo of our home star, captured and processed by New York artist and photographer Alan Friedman on…

10 years ago

A Stunning Image of our Home Star

Active regions 2108 and 2109 are now passing around the limb of the Sun, but not before solar photography specialist Alan…

11 years ago

Catching Sunlight: A TEDx Talk by DIY Solar Photographer Alan Friedman

Video poster frame shows Alan Friedman's 90mm hydrogen alpha telescope setup -- nicknamed "Little Big Man" -- on an Astro-Physics…

12 years ago

A Branching “Tree” of Solar Plasma

Hydrogen-alpha photo of the Sun by Alan Friedman An enormous tree-shaped prominence spreads its "branches" tens of thousands of miles…

12 years ago

The “Deep Blue Sea” of the Sun

Looking like an intricate pen-and-ink illustration, the complex and beautiful structures of the Sun's surface come to life in yet…

13 years ago

Super Moon? How About a Super Sun!

[/caption] On May 5, 2012, while everyone else was waiting for the "Super Moon" astrophotographer Alan Friedman was out capturing…

13 years ago