hot Jupiters

Astronomers Discover the Second-Lightest “Cotton Candy” Exoplanet to Date.

The hunt for extrasolar planets has revealed some truly interesting candidates, not the least of which are planets known as…

2 months ago

Why Hot Jupiters Spiral into Their Stars

Exoplanets are a fascinating astronomy topic, especially the so-called "Hot Jupiters". They're overheated massive worlds often found orbiting very close…

3 months ago

This Hot Jupiter is Doomed to Crash Into its Star in Just Three Million Years

In 2008, astronomers with the SuperWASP survey spotted WASP-12b as it transited in front of its star. At the time,…

5 months ago

A Tiny Telescope is Revealing “Hot Jupiter” Secrets

A recent study presented this week at the 2023 meeting of the American Geophysical Union discusses observations of “hot Jupiters”…

8 months ago

Old Stars Don't Have Hot Jupiters

Hot jupiters are giant planets that orbit extremely close to their stars, completing an orbit in a few days or…

10 months ago

Astronomers Confirm First Exoplanet “Thermometer Molecule” that is Typically Used to Study Brown Dwarfs

A recent study published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters examines a rare alloy molecule known as chromium hydride (CrH) and…

11 months ago

This Brown Dwarf is 2,000 Degrees Hotter Than the Sun

Astronomers have discovered an intense binary star system located about 1,400 light years away. It contains a brown dwarf with…

11 months ago

A Brown Dwarf is Getting Hit With So Much Radiation it's Hotter Than the Sun

Astronomers have found a brown dwarf companion to a white dwarf star with a day-side temperature of around 8,000 kelvin…

1 year ago

This Hot Jupiter is Leaving a Swirling Tail of Helium in its Wake

In a recent study published in Science Advances, a team of researchers commissioned the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET), which is designed…

1 year ago

This Exoplanet Orbits Around its Star’s Poles

In 1992, humanity's effort to understand the Universe took a significant step forward. That's when astronomers discovered the first exoplanets.…

1 year ago