hot jupiter

Is the JWST Now an Interplanetary Meteorologist?

The JWST keeps one-upping itself. In the telescope's latest act of outdoing itself, it examined a distant exoplanet to map…

3 months ago

An Exoplanet so Hot it has Clouds Made of Quartz

A recent study published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters used data obtained by the James Webb Space Telescope’s (JWST) Mid-Infrared…

9 months ago

Astronomers Confirm First Exoplanet “Thermometer Molecule” that is Typically Used to Study Brown Dwarfs

A recent study published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters examines a rare alloy molecule known as chromium hydride (CrH) and…

11 months ago

This Hot Jupiter is Leaving a Swirling Tail of Helium in its Wake

In a recent study published in Science Advances, a team of researchers commissioned the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET), which is designed…

1 year ago

Astronomers Find a Planet That Orbits its Star in Just 16 HOURS!

Mercury is the speed champion in our Solar System. It orbits the Sun every 88 days, and its average speed…

3 years ago

Astronomers Measure the Atmosphere on a Planet Hundreds of Light-Years Away

In a recent study, an international team of astronomers directly measured the atmospheric composition of a hot Jupiter hundreds of…

3 years ago

In About 3 Million Years, WASP-12b Will Spiral into its Star and be Consumed

A new study led by Princeton researchers has confirmed that in the long run, hot Jupiters are destined to be…

5 years ago

Exoplanet Orbits its Star Every 18 Hours. The Quickest Hot-Jupiter Ever Found

The Next Generation Transit Survey recently discovered a hot-Jupiter with the shortest orbital period observed to date, just 18 hours!

5 years ago

“Monster Planet” Discovered, Makes Scientists Rethink Theories of Planetary Formation

The discovery of a Jupiter-sized planet around a red dwarf star has caused astronomers to rethink some of their theories…

7 years ago

Exoplanet-Hunting Survey Discovers Three More Giant Alien Worlds!

Using data from the SuperWASP survey, an international team of astronomers has identified two new "hot Saturns" and one "Super-Neptune".

7 years ago