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Comet E3 ZTF Brightens as the First Good Comet of 2023

The first good comet of the year, Comet E3 ZTF is a fine object for northern hemisphere observers in January.

2 years ago

Dawn Patrol: Jupiter and Saturn at Opposition 2020

Missing the planets in the first half of 2020? That’s all about to change, as the gas giants Jupiter and…

5 years ago

Catch a Solstice ‘Ring of Fire’ Annular Solar Eclipse Over Africa and Asia This Weekend

Ready for the first solar eclipse of the year? This weekend sees one of the top draw astronomical events for…

5 years ago

Spying a Rare ‘Ring of Fire’ Around Venus at Inferior Conjunction

Amazing things happen in the day-to-day sky, often unseen and unwitnessed in our normal routine. Just such a ‘non-event’ happened…

5 years ago

Venus Meets Mercury This Weekend in a Fine Dusk Conjunction

What’s that? You say you’ve never seen elusive Mercury for yourself? You won’t have an excuse after this weekend, when…

5 years ago

Review: Galileo and the Science Deniers by Mario Livio

So, you think you know Galileo? A new book out from Simon and Schuster publishing looks at the life and…

5 years ago

Our Review of Stellina: a ‘Smart Telescope’ for 21st Century Astronomy

A new breed of smart telescopes is set to take users past these hurdles, and get them out under the…

5 years ago

Watch Asteroid 1998 OR2 Zip Past Earth This Week

A fascinating asteroid nammed 1998 OR2 pays our neck of the inner solar system a visit early Wednesday morning, and…

5 years ago

Catching the Peak of the 2020 April Lyrids

Stuck at home with clear skies? We’re all in a similar situation, as the ongoing pandemic sees most of the…

5 years ago

Comet Y4 ATLAS Breaks Up…Enter Comet F8 SWAN

When it comes to comets, the only thing that is certain is the orbit. Though the cosmos has yet to…

5 years ago