Astronomers Image 62 Newly-Forming Planetary Systems

Astronomers using the Very Large Telescope in Chile have now completed one of the largest surveys ever to hunt for…

6 months ago

The Brightest Object Ever Seen in the Universe

It's an exciting time in astronomy today, where records are being broken and reset regularly. We are barely two months…

6 months ago

A New Planet-Hunting Instrument Has Been Installed on the Very Large Telescope

A new study shows how existing observatories like the ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) can be upgraded to perform cutting-edge…

11 months ago

A Bizarre Pulsar Switches Between Two Brightness Modes. Astronomers Finally Figured Out Why.

Pulsars are the lighthouses of the universe. These rotating dead stars shoot twin jets of radiation from their poles, usually…

12 months ago

One of Neptune's Dark Spots Finally Seen From Earth

Using the ESO's VLT, an international team of observers was able to study Neptune's Great Dark Spot with a ground-based…

1 year ago

Is This The First Exoplanet Trojan, or the Result of an Epic Collision Between Worlds?

It seems like every week, researchers are finding more and more interesting exoplanets. Many of them have analogs in our…

1 year ago

The Biggest Telescope in the World is Half Built

The European Southern Observatory continues to build the largest telescope in the world, the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). Construction of…

1 year ago

A Feline in the Heavens: The Smiling Cat Nebula

A stellar nursery sounds like a placid place where baby stars go about their business undisturbed. But, of course, a…

1 year ago

ESO is Using a New System to Allocate Telescope Time. It’s Working Well

Most astronomers know the struggle of getting time on the world's most powerful telescopes. Even though this observing time might…

1 year ago

The Largest Explosion Ever Seen in the Universe

Astronomers have witnessed the most powerful supernova on record, which could provide insight into the forces that shape galaxies.

1 year ago