cosmic microwave background radiation

When Was the First Light in the Universe?

When was the first time that the Universe cooled down enough that light could finally move around?

8 years ago

How Many Galaxies Are There in the Universe?

Did you hear that the Universe has 10x the number of galaxies? How did astronomers discover this, and what does…

8 years ago

How Are Galaxies Moving Away Faster Than Light?

So, how can galaxies be traveling faster than the speed of light when nothing can travel faster than light? I’m…

9 years ago

What Shape is the Universe?

It's a reasonable question to wonder what the shape of the Universe is. Is it a sphere? A torus? Is…

9 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – April 24, 2015: Bas Lansdorp, CEO of Mars One

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Special Guest: Bas Lansdorp, CEO of Mars One Guests: Morgan Rehnberg ( / @MorganRehnberg ) Brian…

9 years ago

Is the Universe Finite or Infinite?

Two possiblities exist: either the Universe is finite and has a size, or it's infinite and goes on forever. Both…

10 years ago

How Far Back Are We Looking in Time?

When we look out into space, we're also looking back into time. Just how far back can we see? The…

10 years ago

What Will We Never See?

Thanks to our powerful telescopes, there are so many places in the Universe we can see. But there are places…

10 years ago

How Do We Know How Old Everything Is?

We hear that rocks are a certain age, and stars are another age. And the Universe itself is 13.7 billion…

10 years ago

Why Can’t We See the Big Bang?

Since telescopes let us look back in time, shouldn't we be able to see all the way back to the…

10 years ago