Breakthrough Listen, a privately funded project seeking evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence, has started operations on the MeerKAT radio telescope array…
Turns out we were hearing ourselves! Earth can be a noisy place when listening to stars. Late last year, a…
On the 60th anniversary of the famous Drake Equation, a new study considers whether or not it is still of…
If there are aliens out there, they probably aren't in the central region of our galaxy.
In a new study, a pair of Harvard astrophysicists did the math on whether or not BLC1 is an extraterrestrial…
There’s a powerful scene in the movie “Contact” (one of my favs) where lead character Ellie Arroway is sitting among…
Back in April, we reported on how a collaboration between the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Breakthrough Listen Initiative, and…
Thanks to a new study by SETI researchers, Breakthrough Listen's search for extraterrestrial intelligence has expanded by a factor of…
Breakthrough Listen, the largest SETI effort ever mounted, just released a list of over 700 objects that could be of…
Breakthrough Listen, the most extensive SETI survey in history, has just made its second release of data, and its once…