
Gaia Finds Hundreds of Asteroid Moons

The amazing Gaia mission to chart stars in the Milky Way Galaxy is also an expert asteroid hunter. Now, astronomers…

2 months ago

Gaia Hit by a Micrometeoroid AND Caught in a Solar Storm

For over ten years, the ESA's Gaia Observatory has monitored the proper motion, luminosity, temperature, and composition of over a…

3 months ago

Gaia is Now Finding Planets. Could it Find Another Earth?

The ESA launched Gaia in 2013 with one overarching goal: to map more than one billion stars in the Milky…

1 year ago

Variable Stars can Tell us Where and When to Search for Extraterrestrials

A new study cross-references supernova from the Gaia observatory's third data release with possible alien transmissions.

1 year ago

A Direct Image of a Planet That’s Just Like Jupiter, Only Younger

In a recent study published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, a team of astronomers used the W. M. Keck Observatory…

1 year ago

Astronomers Find a Sun-like Star Orbiting a Nearby Black Hole

Using data from the Gaia Observatory, a team of astronomers has detected a Sun-like star that co-orbits with a dormant…

2 years ago

Gaia Could Detect Free-Floating Black Holes Passing Near Stars in the Milky Way

The thing with black holes is they're hard to see. Typically we can only detect their presence when we can…

2 years ago

The Closeby Habitable Exoplanet Survey (CHES) Could Detect Exoplanets Within a few Dozen Light-Years of Earth Using Astrometry

A team of Chinese researchers has proposed a new mission to find Earth-like planets in neighboring star systems - the…

2 years ago

The First Rogue Black Hole has Been Discovered, and it’s Only 5,000 Light-Years Away

Microlensing strikes again.  Astronomers have been using the technique to detect everything from rogue planets to the most distant star…

3 years ago

Do Stars Move? Tracking Their Movements Across the Sky

The stars look static in the sky, but are they moving? How fast, and how do we know? What events…

7 years ago