
What Are The Constellations?

Humans have been looking up at the stars and finding patterns for millennia. Today, there are 88 recognized constellations, each…

8 years ago

Zodiac Signs and Their Dates

The Zodiac once played an important role in humanity's cosmological beliefs. Today, they are no longer accurate and regarded as…

9 years ago

What are the Signs of the Planets?

In our long history of staring up at the stars, human beings have assigned various qualities, names, and symbols for…

9 years ago

NSF Report Biased, Expert Says: Americans Don’t Think Astrology is Scientific

Every Thanksgiving when I was home from college, at least one family member would turn to me and ask me…

10 years ago

Debunking Astrology: Mars Can’t Influence You

So you think the position of Mars in the sky at the time of your birth made you tall, dark,…

15 years ago