ancient galaxies

Galaxies Regulate their Own Growth so they Don’t Run Out of Star Forming Gas

Look at most spiral or barred spiral galaxies and you will see multiple regions where stars are forming. These star…

2 months ago

Early Galaxies Looked Nothing Like What We See Today

Talk to anyone about galaxies and it often conjurs up images of spiral or elliptical galaxie. Thanks to a survey…

8 months ago

A Galaxy Seen When the Universe was Only 332 Million Years Old

It’s wonderful to watch the fascination on people’s faces when you explain to them that studying distant objects in the…

9 months ago

A Galaxy Only 350 Million Years Old Had Surprising Amounts of Metal

Astrophysicists working with the JWST have found a surprising amount of metal in a galaxy only 350 million years after…

9 months ago

What Can Slime Mold Teach Us About the Universe?

What can slime molds tell us about the large-scale structure of the Universe and the evolution of galaxies? These things…

10 months ago

JWST Sees Organic Molecules Ludicrously Far Away

When astronomers used the JWST to look at a galaxy more than 12 billion light years away, they were also…

1 year ago

The James Webb Links Modern Green Pea Galaxies to Ancient Galaxies in the Cosmic Dawn

When the James Webb Space Telescope lifted off from Earth on Christmas Day in 2021, it carried a lot of…

2 years ago