Virtual Star Party

Virtual Star Party – February 16, 2014: Fighting Crime while Transiting Jupiter!

Hosts: Fraser Cain & Scott Lewis Astronomers: David Dickinson, Gary Gonella, James McGee, Tom Nathe, Mike Phillips, Mike Simmons, Roy…

11 years ago

Virtual Star Party – February 9, 2014: Fire is Bad for Seeing!

Host: Scott Lewis Astronomers: Nicole Gugliucci, Chris Kennedy, Tom Nathe, David Dickinson, James McGee (more…)

11 years ago

Virtual Star Party – January 26, 2014: Our Missed Supernova!

Hosts: Fraser Cain and Scott Lewis (@baldastronomer) Astronomers: Stuart Foreman, Bill McLaughlin Commentary: Tom Nathe, David Dickinson (@astroguyz) (more…)

11 years ago

Virtual Star Party – January 19, 2014: Jupiter, the Moon and Nebulae

Host: Fraser Cain Astronomers: Andrew Dumbleton in the UK David Dickinson in Florida Shahrin Ahmed in Malaysia Gary Gonella in…

11 years ago

Virtual Star Party – January 12, 2014: The Planetary Show!

Hosts: Fraser Cain(@fcain, @universetoday) and Scott Lewis(@baldastronomer) Astronomers: David Dickinson(@astroguyz) in Florida Mike Phillips in North Carolina Shahrin Ahmad(@shahgazer) in…

11 years ago

Virtual Star Party – January 5, 2014: Jupiter in Opposition and 6 Telescopes!

Hosts: Fraser Cain and Scott Lewis Astronomers: David Dickinson in Florida Michael Phillips in North Carolina Bill McLaughlin in Oregon…

11 years ago

Virtual Star Party – December 15, 2013 – Blazing Moon, Beautiful Nebulae

Hosts: Fraser Cain and Scott Lewis Astronomers: David Dickinson, Gary Gonella, Mark Behrendt, Roy Salisbury, Tom Nathe, Stuart Foreman (more…)

11 years ago

Virtual Star Party – December 1, 2013 – Dying Comets, Smashing Galaxies and Cosmic Bees

Hosts: Fraser Cain and Scott Lewis Astronomers: Gary Gonella, Roy Salisbury, Steven Coates, Tom Nathe, Stuart Foreman (more…)

11 years ago

Virtual Star Party – November 24, 2013: Comets and More!

Hosts: Fraser Cain, Scott Lewis Astronomers: Bill McLaughlin, David Dickinson, Tom Nathe, Mike Phillips Viewing: M103, Cocoon Nebula, Comet Lovejoy,…

11 years ago

Virtual Star Party – November 10, 2013

Host: Scott Lewis Astronomers: Stuart Forman, David Dickinson, Tom Nathe, Roy Salisbury, Mike Phillips, Thad Szabo (more…)

11 years ago