
Venus and Jupiter Dazzle the Eye on February 1

Although no one likes getting up early, the morning of February 1 will be worth the effort. Just before local…

16 years ago

Stars Form Better in the Cosmic Suburbs

Galaxies, like people, tend to stick together. These galaxies collect together into communities large and small, called clusters and even…

16 years ago

Natural Particle Accelerator Dwarfs the Power of the Large Hadron Collider

Years of work are about to pay off, as Europe's Large Hadron Collider is almost ready to come online. Soon…

16 years ago

A Nova Doesn’t Create, It Destroys

Astronomers used to think that brief stellar eruptions called novae generated massive amounts of dust. But new observations of a…

16 years ago

Hyperfast Star Ejected from the Large Magellenic Cloud

Occasionally, stars minding their own business around the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy get chucked out…

16 years ago

Observing Near-Earth Asteroid TU24

Backyard astronomers the world over in the northern hemisphere are looking forward to the closest approach of Near-Earth Asteroid TU24…

16 years ago

“What’s Up” With Tammy Plotner?

Greetings, Fellow SkyWatchers! Have you missed me? All you have to do is take a look around the web for…

16 years ago

2007 was Tied for the Second Hottest Year on Record

You weren't imagining things, 2007 really was an unseasonably hot year. In fact, it was tied with 1998 for the…

16 years ago

High School Students Discover Asteroid

Here's another wonderful example of how amateur astronomers can make important discoveries. Three high school students from Wisconsin discovered an…

16 years ago

Gas Cloud on Collision Course with the Milky Way

Don't panic, but there's a giant cloud of hydrogen gas on a collision course with the Milky Way. When it…

16 years ago