
Atom Definition

[/caption]The atom definition is: A unit of matter, the smallest unit of an element, having all the characteristics of that…

14 years ago

Spitzer, the Wallpaper Factory, Does it Again

At the end of the proverbial day, space-based missions like Spitzer produce millions of observations of astronomical objects, phenomena, and…

14 years ago

Universe Puzzle

I'm trying something new, here in Universe Today, a puzzle. This is, I hope, a puzzle that cannot be answered…

14 years ago

Youngsters Caught Gorging – on Gas

[/caption] Galaxies long, long ago were very fecund; they gave birth to stars at a rate at least ten times…

14 years ago

Proton Parts

The proton has three parts, two up quarks and one down quark … and the gluons which these three quarks…

14 years ago

Gravity Equation

There is not one, not two, not even three gravity equations, but many! The one most people know describes Newton's…

14 years ago

Galaxy Names

[/caption] Galaxy names come in a bewildering range of forms; from descriptive (e.g. Whirlpool Galaxy, Black Eye Galaxy, The Eyes),…

14 years ago

Stereo “Soul” – A Visualization by Jukka Metsavanio

Seeing double? Darn right you are. It's been awhile since I've featured any of Jukka Metsavanio's brilliant visualizations... and things…

14 years ago

Galaxy Pics

Here are some beautiful galaxy pics. You can even use these as desktop background wallpapers if you like. Just click…

14 years ago

Supermassive Black Holes Spinning Backwards Create Death Ray Jets?

[/caption] Why do some of the supermassive black holes in active galactic nuclei create back-to-back jets that can vaporize entire…

14 years ago