Tethys Revealed

20 years ago

Cassini took this image of Saturn's moon Tethys on July 3, 2004 when the spacecraft was 1.7 million km (1…

You Have My Permission

20 years ago

I get a lot of emails from people wondering if they can quote Universe Today for their own newsletter, school…

Dark Energy Gets Another Boost

20 years ago

The theory that the expansion of our Universe is accelerating got another boost this week by a group of researchers…

Shuttle Engine Tested for Return to Flight

20 years ago

As part of their efforts to return the space shuttle fleet back to operation, NASA engineers tested out a complete…

First View of Rhea

20 years ago

NASA's Cassini spacecraft took this image of Rhea, Saturn's second largest moon on June 2, 2004, when it was 990,000…

All Moved In, Now I Need a New Telescope

20 years ago

Well, we survived the trip and have moved into our new house on Vancouver Island. It was pretty easy on…

Hawking Revises Black Hole Theory

20 years ago

Stephen Hawking has reconsidered his long-held opinion that black holes destroy information that goes into them. Originally he believed that…

Spitzer Finds Starburst Galaxies

20 years ago

NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has uncovered a group of ancient galaxies that had eluded astronomers using other telescopes. The primordial…

New Frontiers Missions Shortlisted

20 years ago

NASA has shortened its list of potential missions for its New Frontiers program down to two spacecraft. The first is…

Hotspot Found on Geminga

20 years ago

Astronomers have detected a small bright spot on a familiar neutron star, Geminga, located 500 light-years away. The hot spot…