Mars Rotation

16 years ago

Mars rotation is 24 hours, 39 minutes, and 35 seconds if you are interested in the solar day or 24…

Mars Mass

16 years ago

Mars mass is 6.4169 x 1023 kg. That is slightly more than 10% of the Earth's mass. Mars is a…

Mars Surface

16 years ago

Mar's surface is a dry, barren wasteland marked by old volcanoes and impact craters. The entire surface can be scoured…

A Look at Mars Soil Before It Bakes in TEGA

16 years ago

NASA's Phoenix Lander scooped up this Martian soil on sol 11 of the mission, (June 5, 2008 here on Earth.)…

Planetary Potential from Protoplanetary Disks

16 years ago

How planets form is one of the major questions in astronomy. Only recently have we been able to study the…

Carnival of Space #57

16 years ago

This week, the Carnival of Space moves over to Out of the Cradle; and ladies... this one's for you. Click…

Air on Mars

16 years ago

The air on Mars would kill a human quickly. The atmosphere is less than 1% of Earth's, so it would…

What is the Closest Planet to Mars?

16 years ago

Want to know the closest planet to Mars? Look down beneath your feet... you're looking at it. That's right, the…

Was There a Planet Between Mars and Jupiter?

16 years ago

When astronomers looked at the orbits of the planets, they felt that there could be a planet "missing" in between…

Does Mars Have Rings?

16 years ago

Recently, while discussing what she had learned in class, my daughter asked me: ''does Mars have rings?''. She is ten…