ISS passes Overhead and a Meteor Flashes Through the Sky

UT reader Bryan Stewart sent us this great video, and wrote, “I was out on the 10th shooting video with my d7000 and 300mm lens of an ISS pass and got surprised by a Perseid meteor.”

Take a look!

5 Replies to “ISS passes Overhead and a Meteor Flashes Through the Sky”

    1. Most likely other satellites. I saw 7 the other night whilst out looking for the perseids 🙂

  1. Cool video, but I’m even more intrigued by the musical ditty about SCIENCE that accompanies it. Does anyone know anything about that song?

  2. It happened twice!! Did no one catch this? Look at the lower right hand side of the screen about 28 sec into the video….. There was another meteor falling.

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