Water on Mars

China's Mars Rover Finds Recent Evidence of Water Near the Equator

Before going into hibernation, China's Zhurong rover found evidence that water recently existed in small patches on Mars (and might…

1 year ago

Curiosity Just Found its Strongest Evidence of Ancient Water and Waves on Mars

This week, NASA’s Curiosity rover stumbled across the best evidence yet that liquid water once covered much of Mars in…

2 years ago

Mars Once had Enough Water for a Planet-Wide Ocean 300 Meters Deep

New research has shown that Mars may have been covered in a worldwide ocean when Earth was still covered in…

2 years ago

Curiosity Arrives in a Salty Region of Mars. Was it Left Over From a Dying Sea?

The Curiosity rover has now reached its primary target on Mount Sharp on Mars, the mountain in the middle of…

2 years ago

Underground Liquid Water Detected on Mars? Maybe not

New research from Cornell University shows that radar reading from Mars' South Pole region may not have been caused by…

2 years ago

China’s Zhurong Rover Looks Deep Underground and Sees Layers From Multiple Floods on Mars

Mars exploration has been ongoing for decades at this point, and some regions of the planet have become more interesting…

2 years ago

Mars Might Have Been Covered in Lakes in the Ancient Past

New research by an international team of scientists indicates that Mars may have had far more ancient lakes on its…

2 years ago

Mars did Have Moving Glaciers, but They Behaved Differently in the Planet's Lower Gravity

New research shows that glaciers on Mars moved very slowly, which could have allowed ancient life there to survive.

2 years ago

This Ice Cliff is One of the Few Places With Exposed Water ice in the Mid-Latitudes on Mars. It’s Probably Tens of Millions of Years old

Because of the orbiters and landers that have studied Mars over the years, scientists have learned that water ice is…

2 years ago

Want to Live on Mars? Here's Where the Water is

By combining data from the Mars Express and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, a team of researchers has produced a map of…

2 years ago