
Early Earth's Oceans of Magma Accelerated the Moon's Departure

When the Earth was struck by a Mars-sized planet in its early history, it ejected a debris cloud that led…

2 months ago

Did Mars Once Have a Third, Larger Moon?

We are all familiar with our one Moon but other planets have different numbers of moons; Mercury has none, Jupiter…

5 months ago

Did We Need the Moon for Life?

Astronomers hate the Moon because it ruins perfectly good observing nights. But is it possible that we all need the…

9 years ago

What is Tidal Locking?

The Moon is tidally locked to the Earth, which means that it always shows one face to our planet. In…

9 years ago

How Do The Tides Work?

Anyone who lives close to ocean is familiar with the tides. And you probably know they have something to do…

11 years ago

Why is the Moon Leaving Us?

Goodbye Moon. Every year, the Moon slips a few centimeters away from us, slowing down our day. Why is the…

11 years ago