South Pole Telescope

This Tiny Dot is one of the Biggest, Most Active Galaxy Superclusters Ever Seen. It Was Already a Monster Shortly After the Big Bang

A newly discovered supercluster of galaxies is so distant that astronomers say its light has been traveling for over twelve…

3 years ago

What Was Cosmic Inflation? The Quest to Understand the Earliest Universe

The Big Bang was a tremendous theory, but it had a few problems. In 1980 Alan Guth developed the revolutionary…

8 years ago

Polar Telescope Casts New Light On Dark Energy And Neutrino Mass

[/caption] Located at the southermost point on Earth, the 280-ton, 10-meter-wide South Pole Telescope has helped astronomers unravel the nature…

13 years ago

Astronomers Find Giant Structures From the Early Universe

[/caption] Looking back to when our Universe was about half the age it is now, astronomers have discovered the most…

14 years ago