Red Dwarf Stars

Discovered: Two New Planets for Kapteyn’s Star

The exoplanet discoveries have been coming fast and furious this week, as astronomers announced a new set of curious worlds…

10 years ago

Could There be 100 Billion Potentially Habitable Planets in the Galaxy?

As we’ve reported recently, the likelihood of findings habitable Earth-sized worlds just seems to keep getting better and better. But…

11 years ago

“Impossible” Binary Star Systems Found

Astronomers think about half of the stars in our Milky Way galaxy are, unlike our Sun, part of a binary…

12 years ago

Billions of Habitable Worlds Likely in the Milky Way

[/caption] Could there be ‘tens of billions’ of habitable worlds in our own galaxy? That’s the results from a new…

12 years ago

Goldilocks And The Habitable Zone – The Increased Place In Space

[/caption] It's referred to as the "Goldilock's Zone", but this area in space isn't meant for sleepy or hungry bears…

13 years ago