potentially habitable

Establishing a New Habitability Metric for Future Astrobiology Surveys

The search for exoplanets has grown immensely in recent decades thanks to next-generation observatories and instruments. The current census is…

4 months ago

Watching the Watchers With Nancy Grace Roman

Astronomers have discovered thousands of planets using the transit technique, watching how distant stars dim as a planet passes in…

2 years ago

Would Mars be More Habitable if it Orbited a Red Dwarf?

A NASA-supported study by an international multi-disciplinary team has shown what Mars would be like if it orbited a red…

3 years ago

Astronomers Measure the Atmosphere on a Planet Hundreds of Light-Years Away

In a recent study, an international team of astronomers directly measured the atmospheric composition of a hot Jupiter hundreds of…

3 years ago

Ocean Worlds With Hydrogen-Rich Atmospheres Could be the Perfect Spots for Life

A new study has identified another class of exoplanet that could drastically increase the odds of finding life beyond the…

3 years ago

How Would Rain be Different on an Alien World?

A new study takes a look at possible rainfall patterns on exoplanets, which could help narrow the search for extraterrestrial…

4 years ago

What Role do Radioactive Elements Play in a Planet’s Habitability?

According to new study by a team from UC Santa Cruz, the right amount of radioactive elements could also be…

4 years ago

Based on Kepler Data, There’s a 95% Chance of an Earth-Like Planet Within 20 Light-Years

Combining data from the retired Kepler mission with the Gaia Observatory, a team of scientists have produced new estimates for…

4 years ago

How Did the TRAPPIST-1 Planets Get Their Water?

A new study by an international team of astronomers raises questions about the existence of debris belts around red dwarf…

5 years ago

Here’s What the Climate Might Look Like on Proxima Centauri B

NASA scientists have run simulations that show what the climate on Proxima b might be like, with encouraging results!

5 years ago