orbital eccentricity

New Evidence for Our Solar System’s Ghost: Planet Nine

Does another undetected planet languish in our Solar System's distant reaches? Does it follow a distant orbit around the Sun…

3 months ago

Old Data from Kepler Turns Up A System with Seven Planets

NASA's Kepler mission ended in 2018 after more than nine years of fruitful planet-hunting. The space telescope discovered thousands of…

9 months ago

How Far is Venus From the Sun?

In addition to be the second closet planet to our Sun, Venus also has the most circular orbit - varying…

7 years ago

How Far is Mercury from the Sun?

As the closest (and most eccentric) planet to our Sun, Mercury's distance ranges from 46 million km (28.58 million mi)…

7 years ago

What is the Closest Planet to Earth?

When our Venus (aka. "Earth's Twin") orbits between the Earth and the Sun (i.e. during an interior conjunction), it becomes…

8 years ago