New Technology Telescope

The Largest Explosion Ever Seen in the Universe

Astronomers have witnessed the most powerful supernova on record, which could provide insight into the forces that shape galaxies.

11 months ago

A Very Young Star is Forming Near the Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole

An international team of astronomers spotted a young, massive star orbiting very close to Sagittarius A*, which was previously thought…

1 year ago

Giant Space Telescopes Could Be Made Out of Liquid

The Hubble space telescope has a primary mirror of 2.4 meters. The Nancy Grace Roman telescope has one at 2.4…

2 years ago

Hubble and NTT Capture Strange Alignment of Planetary Nebulae

While taking a look at more than a hundred planetary nebulae in our galaxy’s central bulge, astronomers using the NASA/ESA…

11 years ago