near earth asteroids

20% of Twilight Observations Contain Satellite Passes

Starlink trails are now commonly seen in images looking for near Earth asteroids.

3 years ago

What Are Your Options When you’ve Only Got Hours or Days to Prevent an Asteroid Impact?

Imagine a scenario where we detect an asteroid heading straight for Earth. Imagine that it will arrive in a couple…

3 years ago

You Can Blow Up an Asteroid Just a few Months Before it Hits Earth and Prevent 99% of the Damage

So far, the battle between life on Earth and asteroids has been completely one-sided. But not for long. Soon, we'll…

3 years ago

There are Many Metal-Rich Asteroids Nearby to Investigate

Usually, when the topic of asteroid mining comes up, thoughts turn to the riches of the asteroid belt between Mars…

3 years ago

NASA has Approved a Space Telescope That Will Scan the Skies for Dangerous Near-Earth Asteroids

A lot of the threats humanity faces come from ourselves. If we were listing them, we'd include tribalism, greed, and…

4 years ago

Astronomers Have Discovered a 2-km Asteroid Orbiting Closer to the Sun than Venus

Astronomers have painstakingly built models of the asteroid population, and those models predict that there will be ~1 km sized…

4 years ago

An Asteroid has been Found that Orbits the Sun Closer than Venus

Astronomers at Caltech's Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) have discovered an asteroid that orbits inside Venus. Though other asteroids have a…

5 years ago

Asteroid 2006 QV89 Now Has a 0% Chance of Hitting Earth in September

Why report on an asteroid that has no chance of hitting Earth? Because this asteroid, known as 2006 QV89, has…

6 years ago

Don’t Worry About Asteroid 2006QV89. There’s Only a 1 in 7000 Chance It’ll Hit the Earth in September

Whenever scientists announce an upcoming close encounter with an asteroid, certain corners of the internet light up like the synaptic…

6 years ago

Sorry Hollywood, it’s Going to Take a Lot More to Destroy an Asteroid

A new study from John Hopkins University has shown that blowing up asteroids might be harder than we thought.

6 years ago