M-Class Stars

Ultraviolet Light Could Point the Way To Life Throughout the Universe

A new study from the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics indicates that UV radiation may be the key to finding…

7 years ago

Potentially Habitable, Tidally-Locked Exoplanets May be Very Common, say New Study

A new study from the University of Washington indicates that tidally-locked planets may be quite common, a finding which has…

7 years ago

Scientists Discover TRAPPIST-1 is Older Than Our Solar System

A new study by a pair of astronomers has revealed that the TRAPPIST-1 system is up to twice as old…

7 years ago

Is This The Exoplanet Where Life Will First Be Found?

An international team of scientists has found another rocky planet (LHS 1140b) orbiting a nearby red dwarf star. And it…

7 years ago

Goldilocks And The Habitable Zone – The Increased Place In Space

[/caption] It's referred to as the "Goldilock's Zone", but this area in space isn't meant for sleepy or hungry bears…

13 years ago