
Seriously, Life Really Does Get Around. It was Found in Rocks Deep Beneath the Seafloor

After a lot of hard work spanning many years, a team of scientists have discovered something surprising. They've found abundant…

5 years ago

Life Could be Common Across the Universe, Just Not in Our Region

The building blocks of life can, and did, spontaneously assemble under the right conditions. That's called spontaneous generation, or abiogenesis.…

5 years ago

Confirmed: We Really are ‘Star Stuff’

Scientist Carl Sagan said many times that “we are star stuff,” from the nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in…

8 years ago

Peculiar ‘Cauliflower Rocks’ May Hold Clues To Ancient Mars Life

An Arizona State University research team hypothesizes that strange "cauliflower-shaped" rocks discovered by the Spirit Rover in 2008 may have…

9 years ago

Is the Universe Perfect for Life?

Doesn't it feel like the Universe is perfectly tuned for life? Actually, it's a horrible hostile place, delivering the bare…

9 years ago

Planet Earth

Planet Earth is the birthplace of humanity, the cradle of human civilization, and the only known planet in our Solar…

9 years ago

What is the Earth’s Average Temperature?

Earth is the only planet in our Solar System where life is known to exists. Note the use of the…

9 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 375: The Search For Life in the Solar System

With the discovery of water ice in so many locations in the Solar System, scientists are hopeful in the search…

10 years ago

What Does It Mean To Be ‘Star Stuff’?

At one time or another, all science enthusiasts have heard the late Carl Sagan's infamous words: "We are made of…

10 years ago

NASA’s Curiosity Rover detects Methane, Organics on Mars

On Tuesday, December 16, 2014, NASA scientists attending the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco announced the detection…

10 years ago