Kepler mission

Kepler’s Almost Out of Fuel. It’ll Make its Last Observation in a Few Months

The Kepler mission, which is responsible for the majority of exoplanet discoveries, is running out of fuel and will be…

7 years ago

A New Planetary System Has Been Found with Three Super Earths

A team of astronomers recently discovered a system of three exoplanets that are just 100 light years from Earth, making…

7 years ago

Researchers Just Scanned 14 Worlds From the Kepler Mission for “Technosignatures”, Evidence of Advanced Civilizations

In the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI), a team of astronomers recently searched through the Kepler field to look for…

7 years ago

Neptune-Sized Exomoon Found Orbiting a Jupiter-Sized Planet?

A new study by an astrophysicists from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research shows that the first exomoon…

7 years ago

Not an Alien Megastructure, a Cloud of Dust on a 700-Day Orbit

A new study by an international team of researchers has proposed a new theory about Tabby's Star, indicating that it…

7 years ago

Exoplanet-Hunters Detect Two New “Warm Jupiters”

A new study conducted by an international team of astronomers has revealed two new "Warm Jupiter" exoplanets in two distant…

7 years ago

Kepler Spots the First Exomoon Candidate 4000 Light Years From Earth

Relying on Kepler data, a recent study led by researchers from the University of Columbia has turned up the first…

8 years ago

Earth-Sized Planet Takes Just Four Hours to Orbit its Star

The Kepler space observatory has made some interesting finds since it began its mission back in March of 2009. Even…

8 years ago

NASA Announces 10, That’s Right 10! New Planets in Their Star’s Habitable Zone

The latest catalog to be released by the Kepler mission features and additional 10 potentially-habitable planets, and has led to…

8 years ago

We Have More Details on the Outermost Trappist-1 Planet!

A new study by an international team of researchers has revealed information about the surface conditions on TRAPPIST-1's outermost planet.

8 years ago