ion tail

Parker Solar Probe Gives a Unique Perspective on Comet NEOWISE

Comet watchers have enjoying the newly-discovered NEOWISE comet since it was first spotted in March 2020. Now that it's visible…

4 years ago

Where to Look for Comet Lovejoy Until it Fades from Sight

I hate to admit it, but our dear comet is fading. Only a little though. As Comet Q2 Lovejoy wends…

9 years ago

How to Find and Make the Most of Comet Lovejoy

Comet Q2 Lovejoy passed closest to Earth on January 7th and has been putting on a great show this past week.…

9 years ago

Comet Q2 Lovejoy Loses Tail, Grows Another, Loses That One Too!

Maybe you've seen Comet Q2 Lovejoy. It's a big fuzzy ball in binoculars low in the southern sky in the…

9 years ago

Comet Jacques Makes a ‘Questionable’ Appearance

What an awesome photo! Italian amateur astronomer Rolando Ligustri nailed it earlier today using a remote telescope in New Mexico…

10 years ago

Take a Look: Comet PANSTARRS K1 Swings by the Big Dipper this Week, Sprouts Second Tail

Comets often play hard to get. That's why we enjoy those rare opportunities when they pass close to naked eye stars. For…

10 years ago

Comet ISON Heats Up, Grows New Tail

I'm starting to get the chills about Comet ISON. I can't help it. With practically every telescope turned the comet's…

10 years ago