Solved: The Mystery of Earth’s Theta Aurora

The mystery of the northern lights – aurora - spans time beyond history and to cultures of both the southern…

10 years ago

Making Cubesats do Astronomy

One doesn't take two cubesats and rub them together to make static electricity. Rather, you send them on a brief space voyage…

10 years ago

Unusual Distributions of Organics Found in Titan’s Atmosphere

A new mystery of Titan has been uncovered by astronomers using their latest asset in the high altitude desert of…

10 years ago

The Sun Fires Off a Third X-Class Flare

Remember yesterday when we mentioned two X-class flares erupting from the Sun within the space of about an hour? We…

10 years ago

Selfies from Around the World Combine to Make a Portrait of Earth

On Earth Day, April 22, NASA invited people around the world to share their "selfies" on social media sites like…

10 years ago

Watch the Sun Split Apart

Here's your amazing oh-my-gosh-space-is-so-cool video of the day -- a "canyon of fire" forming on the Sun after the liftoff…

11 years ago

This is the Moon, the Whole Moon and Nothing But the Moon

Take a look around the Moon... no, really, take a good look AROUND the Moon! This is a fantastic animation…

11 years ago

Bottoms Up! It’s a Year of Lunar Libration From Down Under

Do you live in the southern hemisphere? Are you tired of all those views of the Moon that favor celestial…

11 years ago

LRO Makes a Map of the Moon’s Water

The Moon might seem like a poor place to hunt for water, but in fact there's a decent amount of…

11 years ago

Multiple Dinosaur Tracks Confirmed at NASA Center

Fossilized nodosaur footprints discovered at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. (NASA/GSFC/Rebecca Roth) At NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center…

12 years ago