Gravitational Lensing

Webb Sees Three Galaxy Clusters Coming Together to Form a Megacluster

The latest JWST deep-field image provides a breathtaking view of Pandora's Cluster, which was previously imaged by Hubble.

1 year ago

Astronomers Pin Down the Age of the Most Distant Galaxy: Seen 367 Million Years After the Big Bang

Staring off into the ancient past with a $10 billion space telescope, hoping to find extraordinarily faint signals from the…

1 year ago

Webb Stares Deeply Into the Universe, Showing How Galaxies Assemble

The James Webb Space Telescope is delivering a deluge of images and data to eager scientists and other hungry-minded people.…

1 year ago

JWST Sees the Same Galaxy From Three Different Angles Thanks to a Gravitational Lens

The Webb Telescope can see distant galaxies incredibly well, even when they are gravitationally lensed by galactic clusters.

1 year ago

Webb and Hubble Work Together to Reveal This Spectacular Galaxy Pair — and Several Bonuses!

What’s better than a pair of galaxies observed by a pair of iconic space telescopes? The answer to that, according…

2 years ago

A Solar Gravitational Lens Will be Humanity's Most Powerful Telescope. What are its Best Targets?

In the future, astronomers could use the Sun's gravity as a telescopic lens, and map the surfaces of nearby exoplanets.

2 years ago

A Computer Algorithm is 88% Accurate in Finding Gravitational Lenses

Astronomers have been assessing a new machine learning algorithm to determine how reliable it is for finding gravitational lenses hidden…

2 years ago

Astronomers Measure the Signal of Dark Matter From 12 Billion Years ago

The most distant measure of dark matter suggests the universe might have behaved differently in the past.

2 years ago

A Mission to Reach the Solar Gravitational Lens in 30 Years

NASA's Institute for Advanced Concepts is famous for supporting outlandish ideas in the astronomy and space exploration fields. Since being…

2 years ago

Using the Sun as a Gravitational Lens Would Let Us See Exoplanets With Incredible Resolution

Have you ever seen wispy arcs and rings in astronomical images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope and other observatories?…

2 years ago