galilean moons

How Do We Terraform Jupiter’s Moons?

Jupiter's four largest moons - the Galileans - have long been considered as possible sites for human habitation, and even…

8 years ago

Who Was Galileo Galilei?

When it comes to scientists who revolutionized the way we think of the universe, few names stand out like Galileo…

9 years ago

Jupiter’s Moon Callisto

With 67 confirmed satellites, Jupiter has the largest system of moons in the Solar System. The greatest of these are…

9 years ago

Jupiter’s Moon Ganymede

In 1610, Galileo Galilei looked up at the night sky through a telescope of his own design. Spotting Jupiter, he…

9 years ago

Jupiter’s Moon Europa

Jupiter's four largest moons - aka. the Galilean Moons, consisting of Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto - are nothing if…

9 years ago

The Planet Jupiter

Jupiter is the 5th planet in the Solar System, and the largest by far, easily visible in the night sky…

9 years ago

What Did Galileo Invent?

Galileo is considered one of the greatest astronomers of all time. His discovery of Jupiter's major moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede…

9 years ago

What is the Biggest Planet in the Solar System?

Ever since the invention of the telescope four hundred years ago, astronomers have been fascinated by the gas giant of…

9 years ago

Rare Triple Transit! There’ll be 3 Moon Shadows on Jupiter on January 24th, 2015

Play the skywatching game long enough, and anything can happen. Well, nearly anything. One of the more unique clockwork events…

10 years ago

Pluto’s Closeup Will Be Awesome Based On Jupiter Pics From New Horizons Spacecraft

New Horizons, you gotta wake up this weekend. There's so much work ahead of you when you reach Pluto next…

10 years ago