
Space Force is Releasing Decades of Tracking Data on a Thousand Bright Meteor Fireballs

When a meteoroid enters the Earth's atmosphere at a very high speed it heats up. This heating up produces a…

2 years ago

Satellites Watched a Huge Fireball Explode Above the Bering Sea Late Last Year

NASA's Terra satellites recently spotted a fiery meteorite in Earth's atmosphere, which exploded above the Bering Sea.

5 years ago

Super Bright Fireball Spotted Across U.S. Northeast

It came from outer space—literally! On Tuesday, May 17, 2016, the early morning sky briefly lit up with the brilliant…

8 years ago

Kick Back, Look Up, We’re In For a GREAT Perseid Meteor Shower

Every year in mid-August, Earth plows headlong into the debris left behind by Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle. Slamming into our atmosphere at 130,000…

9 years ago

Flaming Space Junk Makes Jaws Drop in Australia

"It first looked like a plane with fire coming out of the tail." -- Aaron O. "I have never seen…

10 years ago

Eureka! Kola Fireball Meteorites Found in Russia

A spectacular fireball that crackled across the sky near the Russia-Finnish border on April 19th this year left more than a bright…

10 years ago

Happy 1st Anniversary Chelyabinsk! The Fireball that Woke Up the World

Wonder and terror. Every time I watch the dashcam videos of the Chelyabinsk fireball it sends chills down my spine.…

11 years ago

Three-Meter Asteroid Hits Earth’s Atmosphere… Somewhere

This was very likely the last trip around the Sun for the Earth-crossing asteroid 2014 AA, according to calculations by…

11 years ago

Remembering the Great Meteor Procession of 1860

“Year of meteors! Brooding year!”  -Walt Whitman July 20th is a red letter date in space history. Apollo 11, the…

11 years ago

Friday Night Lights: Fireball Lights Up the U.S. East Coast

Last night a bright meteor was spotted up and down the northern mid-Atlantic United States from Maryland to Manhattan to…

11 years ago