Falcon 9 rocket explosion

Successful Static Fire Test Sets SpaceX on Target for Post Labor Day Launch of USAF X-37B Mini-Shuttle Sept. 7

PLAYALINDA BEACH/KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL – Following a successful engine test firing of the Falcon 9 first stage late Thursday…

7 years ago

SpaceX Awaits FAA Falcon 9 Launch License for 1st Pad 39A Blastoff on NASA ISS Cargo Flight

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL - With liftoff tentatively penciled in for mid-February, SpaceX still awaits FAA approval of a launch…

7 years ago

SpaceX Shuffles Falcon 9 Launch Schedule, NASA Gets 1st Launch from Historic KSC Pad 39A

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL - SpaceX announced Sunday (Jan. 29) a significant shuffle to the Falcon 9 launch schedule, saying…

7 years ago

SpaceX Falcon 9 Comes Roaring Back to Life with Dramatically Successful Iridium Fleet Launch and Ocean Ship Landing

With Billions and Billions of dollars at stake and their reputation riding on the line, SpaceX came roaring back to…

8 years ago

SpaceX Set for High Stakes Falcon 9 Blastoff Resumption with Iridium Satellite Fleet on Jan. 14 – Watch Live

The stakes could almost not be higher for SpaceX as the firm readies their twice failed Falcon 9 rocket for…

8 years ago

Poor Weather Pushes SpaceX Return Debut with Revolutionary Iridium Relay Sats to Jan. 14

In the face of unrelenting days of very poor weather and a range conflict with another very critical rocket launch,…

8 years ago

FAA Accepts Accident Report, Grants SpaceX License for Falcon 9 ‘Return to Flight’

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today “accepted the investigation report” regarding the results of SpaceX’s investigation into the cause of…

8 years ago

SpaceX Finds Failure Cause, Announces Sunday Jan. 8 as Target for Falcon 9 Flight Resumption

After an intensive four month investigation into why a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket exploded without warning on the launch pad…

8 years ago

Iridium Satellites Fueled and Tucked In For SpaceX Falcon 9 ‘Return to Flight’ Blastoff

Technicians have fueled, stacked and tucked the first ten advanced IridiumNEXT mobile voice and data relay satellites inside the nose…

8 years ago

SpaceX and NASA Confirm Delay of First Crewed Dragon Flight to 2018

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL - Launching Americans back to space and the International Space Station (ISS) from American soil on…

8 years ago