Extra Solar Planets

Two new Super-Earths Discovered Around a Red Dwarf Star

While examining a previously-discovered exoplanet, an international team of astronomers discovered a second Super-Earth around the star.

7 years ago

What is the Transit Method?

Of the many methods used to detect extra-solar planets, the most widely-used and effective is the Transit Photometry

7 years ago

The Genesis Project: Using Robotic Gene Factories to Seed the Galaxy with Life

Dr. Claudius Gros explains the purpose, intent, and technology behind Project Genesis, which seeks to seed "transiently habitable" exoplanets with…

7 years ago

Planet With Lava Oceans Also has an Atmosphere, Says New Study

A new study by scientists at NASA JPL has revealed that 55 Cancri e is not a lava planet after…

7 years ago

When James Webb Finally Reaches Space, Here’s What it’ll be Hunting

In a recent announcement, the STScI announced the first targets that the James Webb Space Telescope will be studying once…

7 years ago

Closest Potentially-Habitable World Found Around “Quiet” Star

The ESO has announced the discovery of an exoplanet around a nearby "quiet" red dwarf star, which makes it more…

7 years ago

Water Worlds Don’t Stay Wet for Very Long

A new study led by Princeton University shows that water worlds are likely to be stripped of their atmospheres (and…

7 years ago

Debris Disks Around Stars Could Point the Way to Giant Exoplanets

A new study by an international team of scientists has found a connection between debris disks and giant planets, which…

7 years ago

Hubble Spots Pitch Black Hot Jupiter that “Eats Light”

New observations of WASP-12b conducted with the Hubble Space Telescope reveal that the planet's sun-facing side "eats light".

7 years ago

Three Possible Super-Earths Discovered Around Nearby Sun-Like Star

A recent study involving data collected by the K2 mission has revealed three possible Super-Earths around a nearby Sun-like star.

7 years ago