
Civilizations Could Use Gravitational Lenses to Transmit Power From Star to Star

A new paper shows how gravitational lenses could be used to beam power from one star system to another.

6 months ago

Old Data from Kepler Turns Up A System with Seven Planets

NASA's Kepler mission ended in 2018 after more than nine years of fruitful planet-hunting. The space telescope discovered thousands of…

6 months ago

White Dwarfs Could Support Life. So Where are All Their Planets?

Astronomers have found plenty of white dwarf stars surrounded by debris disks. Those disks are the remains of planets destroyed…

6 months ago

Three Planets Around this Sunlike Star are Doomed. Doomed!

According to new research we can start writing the eulogy for four exoplanets around a Sun-like star about 57 light…

6 months ago

JWST Searches for Planets in the Fomalhaut System

The Fomalhaut system is nearby in astronomical terms, and it's also one of the brightest stars in the night sky.…

6 months ago

What’s the Best Way to Find Planets in the Habitable Zone?

Despite the fact that we've discovered thousands of them, exoplanets are hard to find. And some types are harder to…

6 months ago

Civilizations are Probably Spreading Quickly Through the Universe

New research shows how intelligent life might expand in an ever-expanding Universe, which has serious implications for SETI and the…

6 months ago

The Combination of Oxygen and Methane Could Reveal the Presence of Life on Another World

In a recent study, a pair of researchers from the Carl Sagan Institute developed a model for finding exoplanets similar…

6 months ago

TRAPPIST-1 Has Flares. What Does This Mean for its Planets?

Using spectra obtained by Webb, an international team examined three TRAPPIST-1 exoplanets during a series of flares.

6 months ago

Can JWST Tell the Difference Between an Exo-Earth and an Exo-Venus?

As of this month, astronomers have discovered 5,506 exoplanets orbiting other stars. That number is growing daily, and astronomers are…

7 months ago