Deep Sky Objects

Our Review of Stellina: a ‘Smart Telescope’ for 21st Century Astronomy

A new breed of smart telescopes is set to take users past these hurdles, and get them out under the…

4 years ago

The Equuleus Constellation

Welcome to another edition of Constellation Friday! Today, in honor of the late and great Tammy Plotner, we take a…

6 years ago

Messier 66 – the NGC 3627 Intermediate Spiral Galaxy

Located in the direction of the Leo constellation, about 36 million light-years from Earth, is the intermediate spiral galaxy known…

6 years ago

Messier 62 – the NGC 6266 Globular Cluster

Located in the southern constellation of Ophiuchus, approximately 22,200 light-years from Earth, is the global cluster known as Messier 62.

7 years ago

Messier 58 – the NGC 4579 Barred Spiral Galaxy

Located in the direction of the Virgo constellation, some 68 million light years from Earth, is the barred, spiral galaxy…

7 years ago

Messier 51 – the Whirlpool Galaxy

Located between 19 and 27 million light-years away in the Canes Venatici constellation, is the famous Whirlpool Galaxy (aka. Messier…

7 years ago

The Corvus Constellation

Located in the southern celestial hemisphere is the constellation Corvus (Latin for "the Raven"), one of the original 48 constellations…

7 years ago

Messier 49 – the NGC 4472 Elliptical Galaxy

Located in the constellation Virgo, and at a distance of 55.9 million light years from Earth, is Messier 49 -…

7 years ago

Messier 41 – the NGC 2287 Open Star Cluster

Welcome back to Messier Monday! In our ongoing tribute to the great Tammy Plotner, we take a look at the…

7 years ago

The Canes Venatici Constellation

In the northern sky, bordered by Ursa Major and Boötes, lies the small constellation of Canes Venatici, one of the…

8 years ago