
Soviet Era Engines Likely Caused Antares Catastrophic Rocket Failure

NASA WALLOPS FLIGHT FACILITY, VA - Investigators probing last week’s catastrophic failure of an Antares commercial rocket moments after liftoff,…

10 years ago

Watch A ‘Swan’ Fly Free From Its Trap In A Space Robotic Arm

What does it look like when a cargo ship goes flying away from the International Space Station? This timelapse gives…

11 years ago

Are All the Stars Really Dead?

Have you ever heard that meme, "When looking at stars, you're actually looking into the past. Many of the stars…

11 years ago

Timelapse: Watch the Antares Rocket Go Vertical on the Launch Pad

Now standing at attention, ready for duty! At about 3:30 p.m. on July 10, Orbital Sciences' Antares rocket was raised…

11 years ago

Possible Nova Pops in Cygnus

A newly-discovered star of magnitude +10.9 has flared to life in the constellation Cygnus the Swan. Koichi Nishiyama and Fujio Kabashima, both…

11 years ago

Space Trucks! A Pictorial History Of These Mighty Machines

Cargo resupply ships are vital for space exploration. These days they bring food, experiments and equipment to astronauts on the…

11 years ago

How to Spot the Antares Launch from NASA Wallops on Wednesday

A space launch marking a new era is departing from the Virginia coast this Wednesday evening, and if you live…

12 years ago