
The Real Science Behind the Movie “Don’t Look Up”

The new movie “Don’t Look Up” -- now available on Netflix -- is not your usual sci-fi disaster film. Instead,…

2 years ago

This Video of Comet Leonard (with Venus and Mercury) will Blow Your Mind

Since early this year, skywatchers on Earth have been tracking Comet Leonard, a kilometer-wide dirty snowball made of ice, rock…

2 years ago

The Biggest Comet Ever Seen Will get as Close as Saturn in 2031

A mega-comet – potentially the largest ever discovered – is heading from the Oort Cloud towards our direction. Estimated to…

3 years ago

A Newly-Discovered (Almost) Dwarf Planet Will Come Surprisingly Close in 2031

It’s good to remember how little we know about the outer solar system.  Humans only really began observing it within…

3 years ago

Researchers Simulate the Formation of the Oort Cloud

There is a cloud of debris surrounding our solar system. It's known as the Oort cloud, and it is the…

3 years ago

Comets Have Tails of gas, Dust… and Metal?

In outer space, an object’s location has a huge impact on its temperature.  The closer the object is to its…

3 years ago

A Comet Seen at the end of its Life. It’s covered in talcum powder

Astronomers finally managed to observe a comet nearing the end of its life. And they found that it's covered in…

3 years ago

In 1.3 Million Years, a Star Will Come Within 24 Light-Days of the Sun

Using data from the Gaia Observatory, a team of Russian scientists have concluded that a star will make a close…

3 years ago

Earth Gains 5,200 Tons of Dust From Space Every Year

Whenever I wipe the dust off my coffee table or catch a glimpse of dust motes floating in sunlight, my…

3 years ago

Interstellar Comet Borisov is so Pristine, it’s Probably Never Been Close to a Star Before

By comparing our local Comet Hale-Bopp to the interstellar visitor 2I/Borisov, a team of astronomers have concluded that the interloper…

3 years ago