carbon dioxide

Even If We Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions Tomorrow, it Would Take Decades for the Earth to Start Cooling Again

If—or hopefully when—we cut our Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, we won't notice much difference in the climate. The Earth's natural…

4 years ago

New Data Show How Phytoplankton Pumps Carbon Out of the Atmosphere at an Enormous Scale

One of the most fascinating things about planet Earth is the way that life shapes the Earth and the Earth…

4 years ago

During Mass Extinction Events, Volcanoes Were Releasing About the Same Amount of CO2 as We Are Today

200 million years ago, a mass extinction event wiped out about 76% of all species on Earth—both terrestrial and marine.…

4 years ago

As Temperatures Increase, Forests are Having More Trouble Soaking up Carbon

A new study by an international team from over 100 universities and organizations has shown that tropical rainforests will not…

4 years ago

This Artificial Leaf Turns Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Into Fuel

Researchers from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, have developed an "artificial leaf" that has the potential to turn carbon emissions…

4 years ago

Today is the Highest Concentration of Atmospheric CO2 in Human History. 415 Parts Per Million. Last Time it Was This High, There Were Trees at the South Pole

Think about this for a minute: We humans and our emissions are helping turn back the climatological clock by 2…

5 years ago

Carl Sagan’s Theory Of Early Mars Warming Gets New Attention

Carl Sagan hit on the idea 40 years ago. Now, a team of scientists have discovered that a trifecta of…

7 years ago

How Do We Terraform Saturn’s Moons?

Within the Saturn system, there are many moons which could present the opportunity terraforming. But to do so presents many…

8 years ago

What Causes Air Pollution?

Air pollution is a major issue facing us Earthlings, and knowing its causes (both natural and man-made) is a key…

8 years ago

13 MORE Things That Saved Apollo 13, part 5: The CO2 Partial Pressure Sensor

The Apollo 13 accident crippled the spacecraft, taking out the two main oxygen tanks in the Service Module. While the…

9 years ago