
‘Weak’ New Meteor Shower Due To Fragile Comet Dust

While the Camelopardalid shower only produced a few meteors, the lack of flashy disintegrations showed astronomers something new, a new…

11 years ago

More Camelopardalids: Persistent Trains and that Satellite Fuel Dump Cloud

The first ever Camelopardalids Meteor Shower ended up being more of a drizzle than a shower, said astrophotographer John Chumack.…

11 years ago

Camelopardalid Meteor Shower Skimpy but Sweet

So how were the 'Cams' by you? Based on a few reports via e-mail and my own vigil of two…

11 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – May 23, 2014: How Do You Say “Camelopardalids?”

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Guests: David Dickinson (@astroguyz,, Alessondra Springmann (@sondy), Morgan Rehnberg ( / @cosmic_chatter) & Mike Simmons…

11 years ago

Potential Weekend Meteor Shower Will Pelt the Moon Too!

If the hoped-for meteor blast materializes this Friday night / Saturday morning (May 23-24) Earth won't be the only world getting…

11 years ago

Can You Say Camelopardalids? Observing, Weather Prospects and More for the May 24th Meteor Shower

It could be the best of meteor showers, or it could be the… Well, we’ll delve into the alternatives here…

11 years ago

May Meteor Storm Alert: All Eyes on the Sky!

On Friday night/early Saturday May 23-24 skywatchers across the U.S. and southern Canada may witness the birth of a brand new meteor shower.  If predictions…

11 years ago