
NASA’s JPL Lays Off Another 325 People

NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab has announced a second round of layoffs for 2024, this time laying off 325 people -…

2 months ago

What’s Going on With the Mars Sample Return Mission?

Anybody with a modicum of intellectual curiosity is looking forward to the NASA/ESA Mars Sample Return Mission. NASA's Perseverance rover…

1 year ago

The House Makes NASA A Counteroffer It Probably Can’t Refuse

NASA's proposed new budget is mostly good news, though some planned missions will not be funded.

9 years ago

Imagine What Could Be Done With a “Penny4NASA”

If you're reading this then you're probably a big fan of space exploration. And while on one hand you could…

11 years ago

Sequester Cancels NASA Outreach

  Well, it looks like it's finally happened: the U.S. sequester -- a "series of across-the-board cuts to government agencies totaling…

12 years ago

The Cost of Exploring Space: Film vs. Reality

We all know that space exploration, while certainly not the largest expenditure of most countries, doesn't come cheap. But neither…

12 years ago

Final Push: Help Uwingu Create a New Concept for Funding Space Exploration and Astronomy

We've written about Uwingu previously, and this creative new concept for creating funding for space exploration and astronomy is now…

12 years ago

Senate Saves the James Webb Space Telescope!

The 2012 fiscal year appropriation bill, marked up today by the Senate, allows for continued funding of the James Webb…

13 years ago