Bok Globules

A Nebula that Extends its Hand into Space

The Gum Nebula is an emission nebula almost 1400 light-years away. It's home to an object known as "God's Hand"…

9 months ago

ESO’s Latest Dramatic Landscape

The universe is stunning. Images from even the most modest telescopes can unveil its brilliant beauty. But couple that with…

10 years ago

An Amazing Anniversary Image from the VLT

This Saturday will mark 15 years that the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (VLT) first opened its eyes on…

12 years ago

Cosmic Ink-blot Test: Can You See the Gecko in Space?

A small, isolated dark nebula known as a Bok globule was described as “a drop of ink on the luminous…

12 years ago

Can You Spot the Running Chicken in this Nebula?

[/caption] A brand new image from the Wide Field Imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2-meter telescope reveals the Lambda Centauri Nebula,…

13 years ago