atomic clock

A new Type of Atomic Clock Uses Entangled Atoms. At Most, it Would be off by 100 Milliseconds Since the Beginning of the Universe

Scientists have made a clock so accurate you wouldn't have to reset it for billions of years.

4 years ago

Third Falcon Heavy Launch Blasts 24 Payloads Into Orbit Including a Solar Sail. Doesn’t Quite Stick the Landing

In what Elon Musk is calling their "most difficult" mission so far, SpaceX launched the Falcon Heavy rocket for the…

6 years ago

A New Atomic Clock has been Built that Would be off by Less than a Second Since the Big Bang

Physicists have developed an atomic clock so accurate that it would be off by less than a single second in…

6 years ago

NASA to Test New Atomic Clock

[/caption] When people think of space technologies, many think of solar panels, propulsion systems and guidance systems. One important piece…

13 years ago