
What Is The Electron Cloud Model?

The Electron Cloud Model was of the greatest contributions of the 20th century, leading to a revolution in physics and…

9 years ago

What Are The Parts Of An Atom?

Thanks to centuries of ongoing research, modern scientists have a very good understanding of how atoms work and what their…

9 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 377: Thomson Finds the Electron

At the end of the 19th century, physicists were finally beginning to understand the nature of matter itself, including the…

9 years ago

Why Is the Solar System Flat?

It's no mystery that the planets, moons, asteroids, etc. in the Solar System are arranged in a more-or-less flat, plate-like…

11 years ago

Earth is the Most Exotic Place In The Universe

I'm often asked by students in my community education astronomy classes whether any new elements have been found in outer…

11 years ago

What are Photons

[/caption] When we think about light we don't really think about what it is made of. This was actually the…

14 years ago

What Is Atomic Mass

[/caption] The answer to 'what is atomic mass' is this: the total mass of the protons, neutrons, and electrons in…

14 years ago

What are Electrons

[/caption] If you have heard of electrons you know that they have something to do with electricity and atoms. If…

14 years ago

Atomic Mass Unit

[/caption] Believe it or not, there are actually several atomic mass units … however, the one that's standard – throughout…

15 years ago