Apollo 8

Remembering Apollo 8 Astronaut Bill Anders

Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders, who took the iconic “Earthrise” photo of our home planet from the Moon in 1968,…

8 months ago

Comparing Mountains on the Moon to the Earth’s Peaks

NASA's Artemis Program is planning to land astronauts on the Moon's south pole. To prepare for this, NASA's Solar System…

5 years ago

The Story of the Apollo Guidance Computer, Part 3

During the development of the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) by the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory (see Part 1 and Part 2…

6 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 478: Apollo 8 with Paul Hildebrandt

On Christmas Day, 1968 Frank Borman, James Lovell and William Anders became the first human being to see the far…

7 years ago

What Does NASA Stand For?

Chances are that if you have lived on this planet for the past half-century, you've heard of NASA. As the…

10 years ago

Crazy Space Christmases: Moon Readings, Food Cans And Emergency Repairs

If you think the upside-down Christmas tree above is bizarre -- that's one of the latest activities of Expedition 42…

10 years ago

Watch All The Apollo Saturn V Rockets Blast Off At The Same Time

Editor's note: We posted this yesterday only to find that the original video we used had been pulled. Now, we've…

11 years ago

What’s On The Far Side Of The Moon?

You probably know we only see one side of the Moon from the Earth. But for the majority of human…

11 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – December 20, 2013: Gaia Launch, Apollo 8 & Emergency Spacewalks

Host: Fraser Cain Guests: Nicole Gugliucci, Jason Major, Amy Shira Teitel, David Dickinson, Elizabeth Howell (more…)

11 years ago

See the Apollo 8 “Earthrise” in a Whole New Way

One of the most famous images from the history of spaceflight is the picture taken by the crew of Apollo…

11 years ago