antimatter propulsion

Antimatter Propulsion Is Still Far Away, But It Could Change Everything

Getting places in space quickly has been the goal of propulsion research for a long time. Rockets, our most common…

1 month ago

Why Pulsars Are So Bright

When pulsars were first discovered in 1967, their rhythmic radio-wave pulsations were a mystery. Some thought their radio beams must…

5 years ago

Forget Mars, Now You Can Kickstart an Antimatter Propulsion System to Another Star!

Dr, Gerald Jackson and Hbar Technologies LLC are looking to crowdsource the creation of the world's first antimatter engine!

8 years ago

Building an Antimatter Spaceship

If you're looking to build a powerful spaceship, nothing's better than antimatter. It's lightweight, extremely powerful and could generate tremendous…

19 years ago