Audio: The Fate of the Universe

The SuperNova/Acceleration Probe, SNAP. Image credit: Berkeley Lab Click to enlarge
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Fraser Cain: Can you lay out the two fates that may await our Universe?

Eric Linder: Well, our picture of what the fate of the Universe is has really changed dramatically in the last 5-10 years. We used to think it was fairly simple, it was just a matter of how much content there was in the Universe, how much matter there was. If there was enough matter, then the gravitational attraction would cause the Universe to slow down in its current expansion, and to basically re collapse and we’d have what some people call a Big Crunch to end our Universe. And if there was not enough matter, there would not be enough gravity to slow down the current expansion and it would just become more and more diffused – a colder and lonelier place to live in. In 1998, these two groups of scientists discovered a very bizarre occurrence that the expansion of the Universe was not slowing down either dramatically or even gradually, under the gravity of the matter in the Universe, but rather, it was speeding up. It was accelerating. Sort of like if you threw a baseball up in the air you know eventually it’s going to slow down, reach a peak, and usually come down back to Earth. If you throw it hard enough, it’ll go off into orbit. But here the Universe threw a baseball up in the air, and now that baseball is speeding away faster and faster. So this has completely puzzled scientists, and was completely contrary to what we were expecting. Under this new picture, the fate of the Universe appears to be that it is going to simply expand forever and ever, become colder, more diffuse, atoms will get more and more spread out, the distance between galaxies will increase. And we’ll have this fate of the Universe which is sometimes called the “Heat Death”, where everything just becomes very cold and motionless and isolated from each other.

But it depends on what’s causing this acceleration. That’s the great mystery. It’s possible that the physics giving us this acceleration could suddenly go away, in which case we’d be back to the earlier picture where the Universe might collapse. Or it could do something completely bizarre and we don’t know. So this is a big question that we want to find out. What is the fate of the Universe, but trying to figure out, what is the physics in this acceleration.

Fraser: Why has that question not been answered so far? Have we not gotten a good enough look at the supernovae?

Linder: Right, as I said, the acceleration of this expansion was only discovered in 1998. And people haven’t been sitting on their hands, they’ve been trying to answer this question very passionately. By getting more supernovae, we can use these exploding stars sort of like fireworks off in the Universe. If we know that the fireworks always go off with the same energy, with the same brightness, we can tell how far away they are by how bright they appear to us today. And so we need more of these supernovae, and we need more and more distant ones, so we can map the history of the Universe; the expansion of the Universe over a greater period of time. And people are gradually doing that. There are some very large projects underway with telescopes on the ground attempting to get what were just tens of supernovae, now we’re trying to get hundreds of supernovae. But eventually, to really answer these fundamental questions, we’re going to need thousands of supernovae at great distances. In order to get that, we’re going to need observations from space, so currently we have one space telescope – the Hubble Space Telescope – that is suitable for these sort of observations, and it’s doing a great job. It’s seeing the most distant supernovae that we’ve yet discovered; about 10 billion years out in the history of space, but it can only see them one by one. And so what scientists have proposed is that we build a new space observatory, a new telescope in space, called SNAP (Supernova Acceleration Probe), and this will be able to get thousands of supernovae very efficiently, very rapidly, seeing them extremely faint and extremely deep. And this has really caught the imagination of the science community. There have been a number of recommendations from the National Academy of Sciences, from various professional organizations, that some sort of space observatory like this will figure out: what is this mysterious physics causing this completely unusual acceleration that’s acting opposite to gravity? So there’s almost like a repulsive version of gravity that’s really going to rewrite all the physics textbooks. So a lot of people think that we really do need to go forward with these observations, more precise observations and many more observations, such as you spoke about. We just need to improve the data that we already have, and the technology is good enough that we can go out and do this. It just requires us to sit down and build the thing, and launch it and try to find out these answers.

Fraser: Now I’ve heard quite a few suggestions for what this dark energy might be. What kinds of things would you be looking for in your observations that could maybe map against some of those theories that have been put forward?

Linder: So the granddaddy of all concepts of dark energy was put forward by Albert Einstein all the way back in 1917, what he called the cosmological constant. And it didn’t agree with the observations at the time, and so it kind of went into retirement for a while. And every few decades, scientists brought it back out to say, well maybe that could explain some other observations we’ve made. And then it goes back into retirement because it doesn’t really fit. But now it seems this might be its time, to bring back this 90 year old concept from Einstein, because it can give this acceleration of the expansion of the Universe. It’s a very simple picture for how you could get this acceleration, but it doesn’t solve everything. There are some really very puzzling aspects of it. What you would think if you did some naive calculations is that it should accelerate the Universe, but should have started accelerating the Universe all the way back from the very first instant of time, and we would not have the Universe we see today if that happened. In fact, we would not have been able to get stars and galaxies and the structure that we see in the Universe. And so for some reason there has to be much much weaker than we would think as its natural value. So it’s possible that it’s the answer, but we don’t understand why it’s so weak, relative to what we think it should be. To get around that, people come up with these other ideas, this idea of quintessence, or a 5th substance to the Universe where it acts like the cosmological constant, but it varies in time, and so it can start off very weak and now today it can be dominating the expansion of the Universe. And so that’s an attractive idea, but nobody really has any first, basic idea of how to make it work exactly. Right now it’s a concept but the details haven’t been worked out on how it arises from the physics. So that’s another thing that we can be very interested in. Another possibility is the way we’ve been analyzing the data, saying, well, gravity is an attractive force, it’s given by Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. Maybe something breaks down there. Maybe what we’re seeing is a breakdown in the theory of gravity as we understand it. People have come up with ideas that involve extra dimensions for example. Instead of just three dimensions in space, there might be an extra few dimensions in space, and that gravity is gradually sort of leaking out into this extra dimension in space and that’s making it weaker and that will act in opposition to gravity and give us acceleration. So we have all these incredibly exciting possibilities for how physics might change and we don’t know which they are. And so what we need are these very detailed observations of mapping the expansion of the Universe for example through the supernovae, these exploding stars – and there are other methods as well – to really try and decide, how are we going to rewrite the physics textbooks; which direction do we need to start erasing things in and writing new things in. So, it’s incredibly exciting for scientists who have puzzles facing them like this.

Fraser: When are these missions planned for launch? When should they be operational?

Linder: So NASA and the US Department of Energy have agreed to work together to put a mission into orbit. The general name for it is called the Joint Dark Energy Mission. And there are currently studies going on for how one would design such a space telescope. And we’re hoping that if enough public shows a strong interest, and the professional societies – like the National Academies of Sciences, which recommended such a mission. If they continue to support this, then we hope that we can go forward and launch it within about 6-7 years. So it’s very much possible that the students in school now will know the answers to things in 6-7 years that currently no professional scientist has the slightest clue for what the answer is. So it’s always very exciting to be able to tell students, and to be able to tell the public: you’re going to know things 6-7 years from now that we have no idea what the answer is right now. You’re going to be smarter in 6 or 7 years than we are right now. So it’s really an exciting endeavour to be in the middle of.

Fraser: And if you had your way, would it be fiery hot death, or cold freezing death?

Linder: I think the main thing I’d like is that it be far off. So we know the ends of the Universe are not going to be for at least 10s of billions of years – about the length of time that we’ve already had in the Universe – so it’s nothing we have to be concerned with overnight, but I don’t know what would be the best solution. You could argue that something like an overturning of Einstein’s Theory of Gravity and just a completely new framework of physics, and new territory to explore. That might be the most exciting outcome where you might have all sorts of different possibilities arising. But as you allude to, the fate of the Universe that really grabs our imagination, of everyone, from the scientists to school children.

Exotic Life Could Survive on Titan

Voyager 1’s color image of Saturn’s largest satellite, Titan. Image credit: NASA/JPL Click to enlarge
Saturn’s moon Titan has long been a place of interest to astrobiologists, primarily because of its apparent similarities to the early Earth at the time life first started. A thick atmosphere composed primarily of nitrogen and abundant organic molecules (the ingredients of life as we know it) are among the important similarities between these two otherwise dissimilar planetary bodies.

Scientists have considered it very unlikely that Titan hosts life today, primarily because it is so cold (-289 degrees Fahrenheit, or -178 Celsius) that the chemical reactions necessary for life would proceed too slowly. Yet previously published data, along with new discoveries about extreme organisms on Earth, raise the prospect that some habitable locales may indeed exist on Titan.

In a paper being presented at the Division for Planetary Sciences 2005 Meeting this week, a team of researchers from Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) and Washington State University say that several key requirements for life now appear to be present on Titan, including liquid reservoirs, organic molecules and ample energy sources.

Methane clouds and surface characteristics strongly imply the presence of an active global methane cycle analogous to Earth’s hydrological cycle. It is unknown whether life can exist in liquid methane, although some such chemical schemes have been postulated. Further, abundant hints of ice volcanism suggest that reservoirs of liquid water mixed with ammonia may exist close to the surface.

“One promising location for habitability may be hot springs in contact with hydrocarbon reservoirs,” says lead author Dr. David H. Grinspoon, a staff scientist in the SwRI Space Science and Engineering Division. “There is no shortage of energy sources [food] because energy-rich hydrocarbons are constantly being manufactured in the upper atmosphere, by the action of sunlight on methane, and falling to the surface.”

In particular, the team suggests that acetylene, which is abundant, could be used by organisms, in reaction with hydrogen gas, to release vast amounts of energy that could be used to power metabolism. Such a biosphere would be, at least indirectly, solar-powered.

“The energy released could even be used by organisms to heat their surroundings, helping them to create their own liquid microenvironments,” says Grinspoon. “In environments that are energy-rich but liquid-poor, like the near-surface of Titan, natural selection may favor organisms that use their metabolic heat to melt their own watering holes.”

The team says these ideas are quite speculative but useful in that they force researchers to question the definition and universal needs of life, and to consider the possibility that life might evolve in very different environments.

“Possible Niches for Extant Life on Titan in Light of Cassini-Huygens Results” will be presented September 8 at the Division for Planetary Sciences 2005 Meeting in Cambridge, United Kingdom. Grinspoon, Dr. Mark A. Bullock, Dr. John R. Spencer (SwRI) and D. Schulze-Makuch (Washington State University) performed the study with funding from the NASA Exobiology Program using published results from the Cassini-Huygens mission. This project is not otherwise affiliated with Cassini-Huygens.

Original Source: SwRI News Release

Planets Are Born Quickly

Artist’s concept of Jupiter-like planet orbiting a star. Image credit: NASA Click to enlarge
Using NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, a team of astronomers led by the University of Rochester has detected gaps ringing the dusty disks around two very young stars, which suggests that gas-giant planets have formed there. A year ago, these same researchers found evidence of the first “baby planet” around a young star, challenging most astrophysicists’s models of giant-planet formation.

The new findings in the Sept. 10 issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters not only reinforce the idea that giant planets like Jupiter form much faster than scientists have traditionally expected, but one of the gas-enshrouded stars, called GM Aurigae, is analogous to our own solar system. At a mere 1 million years of age, the star gives a unique window into how our own world may have come into being.

“GM Aurigae is essentially a much younger version of our Sun, and the gap in its disk is about the same size as the space occupied by our own giant planets,” says Dan Watson, professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Rochester and leader of the Spitzer IRS Disks research team. “Looking at it is like looking at baby pictures of our Sun and outer solar system,” he says.

“The results pose a challenge to existing theories of giant-planet formation, especially those in which planets build up gradually over millions of years,” says Nuria Calvet, professor of astronomy at the University of Michigan and lead author of the paper. “Studies like this one will ultimately help us better understand how our outer planets, as well as others in the universe, form.”

The new “baby planets” live within the clearings they have scoured out in the disks around the stars DM Tauri and GM Aurigae, 420 light years away in the Taurus constellation. These disks have been suspected for several years to have central holes that might be due to planet formation. The new spectra, however, leave no doubt: The gaps are so empty and sharp-edged that planetary formation is by far the most reasonable explanation for their appearance.

The new planets cannot yet be seen directly, but Spitzer’s Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) instrument clearly showed that an area of dust surrounding certain stars was missing, strongly suggesting the presence of a planet around each. The dust in a protoplanetary disk is hotter in the center near the star, and so radiates most of its light at shorter wavelengths than the cooler outer reaches of the disk. The IRS Disks team found that there was an abrupt deficit of light radiating at all short infrared wavelengths, strongly suggesting that the central part of the disk was absent. These stars are very young by stellar standards, about a million years old, still surrounded by their embryonic gas disks. The only viable explanation for the absence of gas that could occur during the short lifetime of the star is that a planet?most likely a gas giant like our Jupiter?is orbiting the star and gravitationally “sweeping out” the gas within that distance of the star.

As with last year’s young-planet findings, these observations represent a challenge to all existing theories of giant-planet formation, especially those of the “core-accretion” models in which such planets are built up by accretion of smaller bodies, which require much more time to build a giant planet than the age of these systems.

The IRS Disks team discovered something else curious about GM Aurigae. Instead of a simple central clearing of the dust disk, as in the other cases studied, GM Aurigae has a clear gap in its disk that separates a dense, dusty outer disk from a tenuous inner one. This could be either an intermediate stage as the new planet clears out the dust surrounding it and leading to a complete central clearing like the other “baby planet” disks, or it could be the result of multiple planets forming within a short time and sweeping out the dust in a more complex fashion.

GM Aurigae has 1.05 times the mass of our Sun-a near twin?so it will develop into a star very similar to the Sun. If it were overlaid onto our own Solar System, the discovered gap would extend roughly from the orbit of Jupiter (460 million miles) to the orbit of Uranus (1.7 billion miles). This is the same range in which the gas-giant planets in our own system appear. Small non-gas-giant planets, rocky worlds like Earth, would not sweep up as much material, and so would not be detectable from an absence of dust.

The Spitzer Space Telescope was launched into orbit on Aug. 25, 2003. The IRS Disks research team is led by members that built Spitzer’s Infrared Spectrograph, and includes astronomers at the University of Rochester, Cornell University, the University of Michigan, the Autonomous National University of Mexico, the University of Virginia, Ithaca College, the University of Arizona, and UCLA. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., manages the Spitzer Space Telescope mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, in Washington. Science operations are conducted at the Spitzer Science Center at the California Institute of Technology, also in Pasadena.

University of Rochester

Most Distant Explosion Ever Seen

The Distant Gamma-Ray Burst GRB 050904. Image credit: ESO Click to enlarge
An Italian team of astronomers has observed the afterglow of a Gamma-Ray Burst that is the farthest known ever. With a measured redshift of 6.3, the light from this very remote astronomical source has taken 12,700 million years to reach us. It is thus seen when the Universe was less than 900 million years old, or less than 7 percent its present age.

“This also means that it is among the intrinsically brightest Gamma-Ray Burst ever observed”, said Guido Chincarini from INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera and University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) and leader of a team that studied the object with ESO’s Very Large Telescope. “Its luminosity is such that within a few minutes it must have released 300 times more energy than the Sun will release during its entire life of 10,000 million years.”

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are short flashes of energetic gamma-rays lasting from less than a second to several minutes. They release a tremendous quantity of energy in this short time making them the most powerful events since the Big Bang. It is now widely accepted that the majority of the gamma-ray bursts signal the explosion of very massive, highly evolved stars that collapse into black holes.

This discovery not only sets a new astronomical record, it is also fundamental to the understanding of the very young Universe. Being such powerful emitters, these Gamma Ray Bursts serve as useful beacons, enabling the study of the physical conditions that prevailed in the early Universe. Indeed, since GRBs are so luminous, they have the potential to outshine the most distant known galaxies and may thus probe the Universe at higher redshifts than currently known. And because Gamma-ray Burst are thought to be associated with the catastrophic death of very massive stars that collapse into black holes, the existence of such objects so early in the life of the Universe provide astronomers with important information to better understand its evolution.

The Gamma-Ray Burst GRB050904 was first detected on September 4, 2005, by the NASA/ASI/PPARC Swift satellite, which is dedicated to the discovery of these powerful explosions.

Immediately after this detection, astronomers in observatories worldwide tried to identify the source by searching for the afterglow in the visible and/or near-infrared, and study it.

First observations by American astronomers with the Palomar Robotic 60-inch Telescope failed to find the source. This sets a very stringent limit: in the visible, the afterglow should thus be at least a million times fainter than the faintest object that can be seen with the unaided eye (magnitude 21). But observations by another team of American astronomers detected the source in the near-infrared J-band with a magnitude 17.5, i.e. at least 25 times brighter than in the visible.

This was indicative of the fact that the object must either be very far away or hidden beyond a large quantity of obscuring dust. Further observations indicated that the latter explanation did not hold and that the Gamma-Ray Burst must lie at a distance larger than 12,500 million light-years. It would thus be the farthest Gamma-Ray Burst ever detected.

Italian astronomers forming the MISTICI collaboration then used Antu, one of four 8.2-m telescopes that comprise ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) to observe the object in the near-infrared with ISAAC and in the visible with FORS2. Observations were done between 24.7 and 26 hours after the burst.

Indeed, the afterglow was detected in all five bands in which they observed (the visible I- and z-bands, and the near-infrared J, H, and K-bands). By comparing the brightness of the source in the various bands, the astronomers could deduce its redshift and, hence, its distance. “The value we derived has since then been confirmed by spectroscopic observations made by another team using the Subaru telescope”, said Angelo Antonelli (Roma Observatory), another member of the team.

Original Source: ESO News Release

Dusty Old Star Could Be Feeding From a Dead Planet

An artist’s impression of dust disk around the white dwarf GD 362. Image credit: Gemini Click to enlarge
Astronomers have glimpsed dusty debris around an essentially dead star where gravity and radiation should have long ago removed any sign of dust ? a discovery that may provide insights into our own solar system’s eventual demise several billion years from now.

The results are based on mid-infrared observations made with the Gemini 8-meter Frederick C. Gillett Telescope (Gemini North) on Hawaii’s Mauna Kea. The Gemini observations reveal a surprisingly high abundance of dust orbiting an ancient stellar ember named GD 362.

“This is not an easy one to explain,” said Eric Becklin, UCLA astronomer and principle investigator for the Gemini observations. “Our best guess is that something similar to an asteroid or possibly even a planet around this long-dead star is being ground up and pulverized to feed the star with dust. The parallel to our own solar system’s eventual demise is chilling.”

“We now have a window to the future of our own planetary system,” said Benjamin Zuckerman, UCLA professor of physics and astronomy, member of NASA’s Astrobiology Institute, and a co-author on the Gemini-based paper. “For perhaps the first time, we have a glimpse into how planetary systems like our own might behave billions of years from now.”

“The reason why this is so interesting is that this particular white dwarf has by far the most metals in its atmosphere of any known white dwarf,” Zuckerman added. “This white dwarf is as rich in calcium, magnesium and iron as our own sun, and you would expect none of these heavier elements. This is a complete surprise. While we have made a substantial advance, significant mysteries remain.”

The research team includes scientists from UCLA, Carnegie Institution and Gemini Observatory. The results are scheduled for publication in an upcoming issue of the Astrophysical Journal. The results will be published concurrently with complementary near-infrared observations made by a University of Texas team led by Mukremin Kilic at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility, also on Mauna Kea.

“We have confirmed beyond any doubt that dust never does sleep!” quips Gemini Observatory’s Inseok Song, a co-author of the paper. “This dust should only exist for hundreds of years before it is swept into the star by gravity and vaporized by high temperatures in the star’s atmosphere. Something is keeping this star well stocked with dust for us to detect it this long after the star’s death.”

“There are just precious few scenarios that can explain so much dust around an ancient star like this,” said UCLA professor of physics and astronomy Michael Jura, who led the effort to model the dust environment around the star. “We estimate that GD 362 has been cooling now for as long as five billion years since the star’s death-throes began and in that time any dust should have been entirely eliminated.”

Jura likens the disk to the familiar rings of Saturn and thinks that the dust around GD 362 could be the consequence of the relatively recent gravitational destruction of a large “parent body” that got too close to the dead star.

GD 362 is a white dwarf star. It represents the end-state of stellar evolution for stars like the sun and more massive stars like this one’s progenitor, which had an original mass about seven times the sun’s. After undergoing nuclear reactions for millions of years, GD 362’s core ran out of fuel and could no longer create enough heat to counterbalance the inward push of gravity. After a short period of instability and mass loss, the star collapsed into a white-hot corpse. The remains are cooling slowly over many billions of years as the dying ember makes its slow journey into oblivion.

Based on its cooling rate, astronomers estimate that between two billion to five billion years have passed since the death of GD 362.

“This long time frame would explain why there is no sign of a shell of glowing gas known as a planetary nebula from the expulsion of material as the star died,” said team member and Gemini astronomer Jay Farihi.

During its thermonuclear decline, GD 362 went through an extensive period of mass loss, going from a mass of about seven times that of the sun to a smaller, one-solar-mass shadow of its former self.

Although about one-quarter of all white dwarfs contain elements heaver than hydrogen in their atmospheres, only one other white dwarf is known to contain dust. The other dusty white dwarf, designated G29-38, has about 100 times less dust density than GD 362.

The Gemini observations were made with the MICHELLE mid-infrared spectrograph on the Gemini North telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii.

“These data are phenomenal,” said Alycia Weinberger of the Carnegie Institution. “Observing this star was a thrill! We were able to find the remnants of a planetary system around this star only because of Gemini’s tremendous sensitivity in the mid-infrared. Usually you need a spacecraft to do this well.”

The Gemini mid-infrared observations were unique in their ability to confirm the properties of the dust responsible for the “infrared excess” around GD 362. The complementary Infrared Telescope Facility near-infrared observations and paper by the University of Texas team provided key constraints on the environment around the star.

University of Texas astronomer and co-author Ted von Hippel describes how the Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) observations complement the Gemini results: “The IRTF spectrum rules out the possibility that this star could be a brown dwarf as the source of the ‘infrared excess,'” von Hippel said. “The combination of the two data sets provides a convincing case for a dust disk around GD 362.”

Original Source: UCLA News Release

Full Frame Rhea

Saturn’s moon Rhea. Image credit: NASA/JPL/SSI Click to enlarge
Saturn’s moon Rhea is an alien ice world, but in this frame-filling view it is vaguely familiar. Here, Rhea’s cratered surface looks in some ways similar to our own Moon, or the planet Mercury. But make no mistake – Rhea’s icy exterior would quickly melt if this moon were brought as close to the Sun as Mercury. Rhea is 1,528 kilometers (949 miles) across.

Instead, Rhea preserves a record of impacts at its post in the outer solar system. The large impact crater at center left (near the terminator or boundary between day and night), called Izanagi, is just one of the numerous large impact basins on Rhea.

This view shows principally Rhea’s southern polar region, centered on 58 degrees South, 265 degrees West.

The image was taken in visible light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on Aug. 1, 2005, at a distance of approximately 255,000 kilometers (158,000 miles) from Rhea and at a Sun-Rhea-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 62 degrees. Image scale is 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) per pixel.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging operations center is based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colo.

For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission visit . The Cassini imaging team homepage is at .

Original Source: NASA/JPL/SSI News Release

Radiation on the Moon

The surface of the Moon is exposed to space radiation. Image credit: NASA Click to enlarge
On the Moon, many of the things that can kill you are invisible: breathtaking vacuum, extreme temperatures and space radiation top the list.

Vacuum and temperature NASA can handle; spacesuits and habitats provide plenty of air and insulation. Radiation, though, is trickier.

The surface of the Moon is baldly exposed to cosmic rays and solar flares, and some of that radiation is very hard to stop with shielding. Furthermore, when cosmic rays hit the ground, they produce a dangerous spray of secondary particles right at your feet. All this radiation penetrating human flesh can damage DNA, boosting the risk of cancer and other maladies.

According to the Vision for Space Exploration, NASA plans to send astronauts back to the Moon by 2020 and, eventually, to set up an outpost. For people to live and work on the Moon safely, the radiation problem must be solved.

“We really need to know more about the radiation environment on the Moon, especially if people will be staying there for more than just a few days,” says Harlan Spence, a professor of astronomy at Boston University.

To carefully measure and map the Moon’s radiation environment, NASA is developing a robotic probe to orbit the Moon beginning in 2008. Called the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), this scout will pave the way for future human missions not only by measuring space radiation, but also by hunting for frozen water and mapping the Moon’s surface in unprecedented detail. LRO is a key part of NASA’s Robotic Lunar Exploration Program, managed by the Goddard Space Flight Center.

One of the instruments onboard LRO is the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER).

“Not only will we measure the radiation, we will use plastics that mimic human tissue to look at how these highly energetic particles penetrate and interact with the human body,” says Spence, who is the Principal Investigator for CRaTER.

By placing the radiation detectors in CRaTER behind various thicknesses of a special plastic that has similar density and composition to human tissue, Spence and his colleagues will provide much-needed data: Except for quick trips to the Moon during the Apollo program, most human spaceflight has occurred near Earth where our planet’s magnetic field provides a natural shield. In low-Earth orbit, the most dangerous forms of space radiation are relatively rare. That’s good for astronauts, but it leaves researchers with many unanswered questions about what radiation does to human tissue. CRaTER will help fill in the gaps.

Out in deep space, radiation comes from all directions. On the Moon, you might expect the ground, at least, to provide some relief, with the solid body of the Moon blocking radiation from below. Not so.

When galactic cosmic rays collide with particles in the lunar surface, they trigger little nuclear reactions that release yet more radiation in the form of neutrons. The lunar surface itself is radioactive!

So which is worse for astronauts: cosmic rays from above or neutrons from below? Igor Mitrofanov, a scientist at the Institute for Space Research and the Russian Federal Space Agency, Moscow, offers a grim answer: “Both are worse.”

Mitrofanov is Principle Investigator for the other radiation-sensing instrument on LRO, the Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND), which is partially funded by the Russian Federal Space Agency. By using an isotope of helium that’s missing one neutron, LEND will be able to detect neutron radiation emanating from the lunar surface and measure how energetic those neutrons are.

The first global mapping of neutron radiation from the Moon was performed by NASA’s Lunar Prospector probe in 1998-99. LEND will improve on the Lunar Prospector data by profiling the energies of these neutrons, showing what fraction are of high energy (i.e., the most damaging to people) and what fraction are of lower energies.

With such knowledge in hand, scientists can begin designing spacesuits, lunar habitats, Moon vehicles, and other equipment for NASA’s return to the Moon knowing exactly how much radiation shielding this equipment must have to keep humans safe.

NASA News Release

Tempel 1’s Ingredients

Astronomers using data from Spitzer and Deep Impact are preparing a comet “soup”. Image credit: NASA Click to enlarge
When Deep Impact smashed into comet Tempel 1 on July 4, 2005, it released the ingredients of our solar system’s primordial “soup.” Now, astronomers using data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope and Deep Impact have analyzed that soup and begun to come up with a recipe for what makes planets, comets and other bodies in our solar system.

“The Deep Impact experiment worked,” said Dr. Carey Lisse of Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Md. “We are assembling a list of comet ingredients that will be used by other scientists for years to come.” Lisse is the team leader for Spitzer’s observations of Tempel 1. He presented his findings this week at the 37th annual meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences in Cambridge, England.

Spitzer watched the Deep Impact encounter from its lofty perch in space. It trained its infrared spectrograph on comet Tempel 1, observing closely the cloud of material that was ejected when Deep Impact’s probe plunged below the comet?s surface. Astronomers are still studying the Spitzer data, but so far they have spotted the signatures of a handful of ingredients, essentially the meat of comet soup.

These solid ingredients include many standard comet components, such as silicates, or sand. And like any good recipe, there are also surprise ingredients, such as clay and chemicals in seashells called carbonates. These compounds were unexpected because they are thought to require liquid water to form.

“How did clay and carbonates form in frozen comets?” asked Lisse. “We don’t know, but their presence may imply that the primordial solar system was thoroughly mixed together, allowing material formed near the Sun where water is liquid, and frozen material from out by Uranus and Neptune, to be included in the same body.”

Also found were chemicals never seen before in comets, such as iron-bearing compounds and aromatic hydrocarbons, found in barbecue pits and automobile exhaust on Earth.

The silicates spotted by Spitzer are crystallized grains even smaller than sand, like crushed gems. One of these silicates is a mineral called olivine, found on the glimmering shores of Hawaii’s Green Sands Beach.

Planets, comets and asteroids were all born out of a thick soup of chemicals that surrounded our young Sun about 4.5 billion years ago. Because comets formed in the outer, chilly regions of our solar system, some of this early planetary material is still frozen inside them.

Having this new grocery list of comet ingredients means theoreticians can begin testing their models of planet formation. By plugging the chemicals into their formulas, they can assess what kinds of planets come out the other end.

“Now, we can stop guessing at what’s inside comets,” said Dr. Mike A’Hearn, principal investigator for the Deep Impact mission, University of Maryland, College Park. “This information is invaluable for piecing together how our own planets as well as other distant worlds may have formed.”

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., manages the Spitzer Space Telescope mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Science operations are conducted at the Spitzer Science Center at Caltech. The University of Maryland, College Park, conducted the overall mission management for Deep Impact, and JPL handled project management for the mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate.

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Original source: NASA News Release