Cosmic ‘Needle in a Haystack’ Confirms Dark Energy

The bright blue blob is an ancient galaxy cluster. Credits: ESA XMM-Newton/EPIC, LBT/LBC, AIP (J. Kohnert)


A massive cluster of galaxies seen in the distant universe by ESA’s orbiting XMM-Newton x-ray observatory is so big that astronomers believe there can only be a few of them that far away in space and time. “Such massive galaxy clusters are thought to be rare objects in the distant Universe,” said Georg Lamer, Astrophysikalisches Institut in Potsdam, Germany. “They can be used to test cosmological theories. Indeed, the very presence of this cluster confirms the existence of a mysterious component of the Universe called dark energy.” The astronomers compared the rare find to a cosmic ‘needle in a haystack.’

The newly-discovered monster, known by the catalogue number 2XMM J083026+524133, is 7.7 thousand million light-years distant and is estimated to contain as much mass as a thousand large galaxies. Much of it is in the form of 100-million-degree hot gas. The bright blue blob of gas was found during a systematic analysis of catalogued objects as Lamer and his team were looking for patches of X-rays that could either be nearby galaxies of distant clusters of galaxies.

Based on 3,500 observations performed with XMM-Newton’s European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC) covering about 1% of the entire sky, the catalogue contains more than 190,000 individual X-ray sources. J083026+524133 stood out because it was so bright. While checking visual images from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the team could not find any obvious nearby galaxy in that location. So they turned to the Large Binocular Telescope in Arizona and took a deep exposure, which found a cluster of galaxies in that location.

The astronomers were surprised to find the cluster contains a thousand times the mass of our own Milky Way Galaxy.

No one knows what dark energy is, but it is causing the expansion of the Universe to accelerate. This hampers the growth of massive galaxy clusters in more recent times, indicating that they must have formed earlier in the Universe. “The existence of the cluster can only be explained with dark energy,” says Lamer.

Yet he does not expect to find more of them in the XMM-Newton catalogue. “According to the current cosmological theories, we should only expect to find this one cluster in the 1% of sky that we have searched,” says Lamer.

Source: ESA

Big Brother is Watching Over the Red Planet

A view of the globe of Mars from orbit (ESA)

We have security cameras watching our daily habits, we watch voyeuristic TV shows of social misfits trapped in a house, we use webcams to transmit our musings on Youtube and we are constantly being monitored by hi-res satellite cameras. What can we possibly survey now? Surely every inch of the planet is under someone’s watchful eye? This planet maybe. By a stroke of luck, ESA scientists have just realised that a surplus camera on board the Mars Express orbiter could be switched back on and used as an interplanetary webcam. Big Brother is now keeping a watchful eye on the Red Planet too

Back in 2003, the Visual Monitoring Camera (VMC) had one task and one task only: keep a watchful eye over the UK’s Beagle 2 Mars lander as it separated from Mars Express and began its descent to the planet’s atmosphere. This fairly “normal” camera was only intended to verify that Beagle 2 had separated and begun on its correct trajectory. According to the only VMC/Beagle 2 image below, separation went as planned as we see the bright lander disk to the left of the image. The problems started later on for the lander as something happened to the robot on re-entry.

Bye bye Beagle 2 - The sole VMC image of the descending lander (ESA)
Bye bye Beagle 2 - The sole VMC image of the descending lander (ESA)

So, task complete, the VMC was switched off and forgotten about. After all, who needs a comparatively low-tech, glorified webcam orbiting Mars anyhow?

Hold on, an orbital webcam is actually pretty cool!

It would appear ESA scientists thought the same thing, pointing out that the VMC is “an ordinary camera in an extraordinary location.” For three years the VMC had been left dormant, until in 2007 the Mars Express Flight Control Team based at ESA’s European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Germany began testing the camera to see if it could be powered up again. The team couldn’t be sure if this little camera would even function as it was designed as a single-use instrument and it had been frozen in deep space for years.

The location of the VMC on Mars Express with Beagle 2 attached (ESA)
The location of the VMC on Mars Express with Beagle 2 attached (ESA)

But determined to make use of this instrument, the ESOC team were successful at bringing the VMC back online. For the last few months, scientists have been fine tuning the cameras optics to make it better at observing orbital features, and now this “ordinary” camera has been taking some “extraordinary” pictures. Geological features, Mars crescents and the Martian dynamic weather have been captured, making this a great little tool to see Mars from orbit.

Now, the VMC is online and taking pictures of Mars for us to see at home. What’s more ESA is inviting us to help with processing the raw images to come from the “Mars Webcam.”

For more information, see the ESA VMC page.

Please (Again)– Mars Will NOT Look As Big As the Full Moon

Mars. Credit: NASA


I thought this year would be different and finally I could make it through the month of August without receiving a forwarded email from an excited acquaintance, wondering if I knew about this incredible news that will happen only once in a lifetime. The email claims Mars is coming closer to Earth and will look as big as the full moon!

Please, this is a complete falsehood and entirely not true. The email about this “once in a lifetime event” has been circulating like clockwork every August for the past five years and is full of errors. If you don’t believe me, here are Universe Today articles dubunking this erroneous email in 2007, 2006, and 2005. If you don’t believe Fraser, Phil Plait the Bad Astronomer debunks the email here, here , here, and here’s the original one back in 2003. I don’t know if the general public really is so uneducated/gullible/in the dark to fall for this every year, or if the folks who start circulating this email every year are trying to determine how uneducated/gullible/in the dark the world actually is.

This began in August 2003 when Mars actually did make its closest approach to Earth in the past 60,000 years. On August 27th, 2003, Mars was 55,758,006 kilometers (34,646,418 miles) away from Earth. Mars just looked like a bright “star” in the sky, not much different than how it usually looks to the naked eye whenever the two planets are at their closest approach. The view of Mars in a telescope was a little better than usual back in 2003, as the bigger telescopes could see the ice caps a little clearer, and possibly some other features. Someone got some bad information as to how big Mars would look at this closest approach and got excited about this bad information, then sent said bad information out in an email which spread like wildfire through the wonders of email forwarding.

This year in August, Mars is about 360 million kilometers (about 215 million miles) from Earth, not very close at all. Since Mars and the Earth are in different orbits around the Sun, and they each take different amounts of time to go around the sun (Earth 365 days, Mars 687 Earth days) the distance between the two planets grows and shrinks, with the closest approaches occurring about every 26 months. But the distance changes with every approach because of the way celestial mechanics works.

If you still need more info, NASA has a page debunking this email, too. Please, let’s work hard to let everyone know this Mars email is completely wrong so that we don’t have to write this article again next year.

Videos of NASA/ATK Rocket Failure

NASA launch officials were forced to hit the “destruct” button on an experimental rocket that launched early Friday morning. The launch and subsequent explosion was captured on both amateur and NASA video, and shows the pieces falling back to Earth.

The countdown and initial takeoff Friday morning from a NASA launch facility on Wallops Island, Virginia, went smoothly, said former astronaut Kent Rominger, a vice president in ATK’s (Alliant Tech Systems) launch systems division. “Then (the rocket) appeared to veer south,” he said. To the naked eye the flight didn’t appear to be in trouble, he said, but it was moving off course.

The rocket was a little more than 2 miles high when it was destroyed. A team of officials from NASA and ATK are investigating the incident.

Here’s the amateur video:

Continue reading “Videos of NASA/ATK Rocket Failure”

Spitzer Takes Family Portrait of Stars Amid Another “Celestal Geode”

Generations of stars amid a gas cavity. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Harvard-Smithsonian CfA


A new image from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope reveals generations of stars amid a cavity carved from a colorful cosmic cloud. The striking infrared picture shows a region, called W5, which is similar to N44F, or the “Celestial Geode” that was discussed in a Universe Today article last week. The gas cavity, which looks similar to a geode-like cavity found in some rocks, is carved by the stellar wind and intense ultraviolet radiation from hot stars. W5 is studded with stars of various ages, and provides new evidence that massive stars – through their brute winds and radiation – can trigger the birth of new stars.

The image was unveiled today at the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles as part of Spitzer’s five-year anniversary celebration. Spitzer launched on August 25, 2003, from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla. A high-resolution version of the image is available here. It shows a family history full of life and death. But are the deaths of some stars responsible for the birth of new stars?

“Triggered star formation continues to be very hard to prove,” said Xavier Koenig of the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass. “But our preliminary analysis shows that the phenomenon can explain the multiple generations of stars seen in the W5 region.”

The most massive stars in the universe form out of thick clouds of gas and dust. The stars are so massive, ranging from 15 to about 60 times the mass of the Sun, that some of their material slides off in the form of winds. The scorching-hot stars also blaze with intense radiation. Over time, both the wind and radiation blast away surrounding cloud material, carving out expanding cavities.

Astronomers have long suspected that the carving of these cavities causes gas to compress into successive generations of new stars. As the cavities grow, it is believed that more and more stars arise along the cavities’ expanding rims. The result is a radial “family tree” of stars, with the oldest in the middle of the cavity and younger and younger stars farther out.

The astronomer who last week explained the N44F image, Dr. You-Hua Chu from the University of Illinois, said along the walls of the cavity there are dust pillars sticking out and young stars are being formed at the tips of these pillars. Similar features are seen in the new Spitzer image of W5, where younger stars (seen as pink or white in the image) are embedded in the elephant-trunk-like pillars as well, and also beyond the cavity rim. The most massive stars (seen as blue dots) are at the center of two hollow cavities.

With Spitzer’s infrared vision, Koenig and his colleagues peered through the dusty regions of W5 to get a better look at the stars’ various stages of evolution and test the triggered star formation theory. The results from their studies show that stars within the W5 cavities are older than stars at the rims, and even older than stars farther out past the rim. This ladder-like separation of ages provides some of the best evidence yet that massive stars do, in fact, give rise to younger generations.

“Our first look at this region suggests we are looking at one or two generations of stars that were triggered by the massive stars,” said co-author Lori Allen of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. “We plan to follow up with even more detailed measurements of the stars’ ages to see if there is a distinct time gap between the stars just inside and outside the rim.”

Another version of the image, taken with Spitzer's Infrared Array Camera.
Another version of the image, taken with Spitzer's Infrared Array Camera.

Millions of years from now, the massive stars in W5 will die in tremendous explosions. When they do, they will destroy some of the young nearby stars – the same stars they might have triggered into being.

W5 spans an area of sky equivalent to four full moons and is about 6,500 light-years away in the constellation Cassiopeia. The Spitzer picture was taken over a period of 24 hours. The color red shows heated dust that pervades the region’s cavities. Green highlights the dense clouds, and white knotty areas are where the youngest of stars are forming. The blue dots are older stars in the region, as well as other stars in the background and foreground.

A paper on the findings will appear in the December 1, 2008, issue of the Astrophysical Journal.

Source: Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Weekend SkyWatcher’s Forecast – August 22-24, 2008

Bug Nebula

[/caption]Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! Are you ready for a relatively Moon-less weekend? For telescope observers, we’ll travel south and capture the cosmic firefly – the “Bug Nebula”. If you have binoculars, take them out as we journey back 2000 years in time to look at the magnificent M25. For those who like a challenge? Try your luck at being a “Snake” charmer. Even if you just relax in a lawn chair and stare at the stars, you’re in luck because the Northern Iota Aquarid meteor shower is in town for a visit, too! Step out the back door, face south, and let’s journey into the night…

Friday, August 22, 2008 – With the Moon long gone from early evening skies, let’s have a look tonight at NGC 6302, a very curious planetary nebula located around three fingerwidths west of Lambda Scorpii: it is better known as the “Bug” nebula (RA 17 13 44 Dec -37 06 16).

With a rough visual magnitude of 9.5, the Bug belongs to the telescope – but it’s history as a very extreme planetary nebula belongs to us all. At its center is a 10th magnitude star, one of the hottest known. Appearing in the telescope as a small bowtie, or figure 8 shape, huge amounts of dust lie within it – very special dust. Early studies showed it to be composed of hydrocarbons, carbonates and iron. At one time, carbonates were believed associated with liquid water, and NGC 6302 is one of only two regions known to contain carbonates – perhaps in a crystalline form.

Ejected at a high speed in a bi-polar outflow, further research on the dust has shown the presence of calcite and dolomite, making scientists reconsider the kind of places where carbonates might form. The processes that formed the Bug may have begun 10,000 years ago – meaning it may now have stopped losing material. Hanging out about 4000 light-years from our own solar system, we’ll never see NGC 6302 as well as the Hubble Telescope presents its beauty, but that won’t stop you from enjoying one of the most fascinating of planetary nebulae!

Saturday, August 23, 2008 – Do you remember August 10, 1966 when Lunar Orbiter 1 was launched? Well, on this day in history it made headlines as it sent back the very first photo of Earth as seen from space! While the photographic quality is pretty poor by today’s standards, can you imagine the media stir it caused at the time? Never before had humankind witnessed our own planet. Just think of the advances we’ve in just 42 years!

Tonight let’s venture about three fingerwidths northeast of Lambda Sagittarii to visit a well-known but little-visited galactic cluster – M25 (RA 18 31 42 Dec -19 07 00). Discovered by de Chéseaux and then cataloged by Messier, it was also observed and recorded by William Herschel, Elert Bode, Admiral Smythe and T. W. Webb…but was never added to the catalog of John Herschel. Thanks to J.L.E. Dreyer, it did make the second Index Catalog as IC 4725. Seen with even the slightest optical aid, this 5th magnitude cluster contains two G-type giants and well as a Cepheid variable with the designation of U. This star varies by about one magnitude in a period of less than a week. M25 is a very old cluster, perhaps 90 million years old, and the light you see tonight left the cluster over 2000 years ago. While binoculars will see a double handful of bright stars overlaying fainter members, telescopes will reveal more and more as aperture increases. At one time it was believed to have only around 30 members, later thought to have 86… But recent studies by Archinal and Hynes indicate it may have as many as 601 member stars!

Sunday, August 24, 2008 – Today in 1966 from an Earth-orbiting platform, the Luna 11 mission launched on a three day trip. After successfully achieving orbit, the mission went on to study lunar composition and nearby meteoroid streams. Also on this date in 2006, 424 members of the International Astronomical Union shocked the world as they officially declared Pluto “to no longer be a planet.” Discovered in 1930, Pluto enjoyed its planetary status for 76 years before being retired. While text books will have to be re-written and the amateur science community will continue to recognize it as a solar system body, it is now considered to be a “dwarf planet.” At least temporarily…

So far in our southern expedition we’ve mined for globular gems, had our heads in the clouds and squashed a bug. What’s left? Let’s head over to the dark side as we take a look at the “Snake”…

Snake Nebula
Snake Nebula
Barnard Dark Nebula 72 is located about a fingerwidth north of Theta Ophiuchi (RA 17 23 02 Dec -23 33 48). While sometimes dark nebulae are hard to visualize because they are simply an absence of stars, patient observers will soon learn to “see in the dark.” The trained eye often realizes the presence of unresolved stars as a type of background “noise” that most of us simply take for granted – but not E. E. Barnard. He was sharp enough to realize there were at least 182 areas of the sky where these particular areas of nothingness existed, and he correctly assumed they were nebulae which were obscuring the stars behind them.

Unlike bright emission and reflection nebulae, these dark clouds are interstellar masses of dust and gas which remain unilluminated. We would probably not even know they were there except for the fact they eradicate star fields we know to be present! It is possible one day they may form stars of their own, but until that time we can enjoy these objects as splendid mysteries – and one of the most fascinating of all is the “Snake.” Put in a widefield eyepiece and relax… It will come to you. Barnard 72 is only a few light-years in expanse and a relatively short 650 light-years away. If at first you don’t see it, don’t worry. Like many kinds of objects, spotting dark nebulae takes some practice.

While you’re out, watch for the peak of the Northern Iota Aquarid meteor shower. Even though the official peak isn’t until tomorrow night, with no Moon to interfere and deep sky to enjoy, you might catch a bright streak! Wishing you clear skies and good luck…

This week’s awesome image are: NGC 6302: The Bug Nebula – Credit: Don Goldman, Lunar Orbiter’s first photo – Credit: NASA, M25 – Hillary Mathis, Vanessa Harvey, REU program/NOAO/AURA/NSF and B 72: The Snake Nebula – Credit: Tom McQuillan/Adam Block/NOAO/AURA/NSF. Thank you!!

The Cepheus Flare Lights the Entrance to Wolf’s Cave – Cederblad 201 and van den Bergh 152 by Kent Wood

Cederblad 201 and van den Bergh 152 by Kent Wood


If glancing at this image takes your attention immediately, it should. Not only is it ethereally beautiful and aesthetically pleasing – but it’s shrouded in bizarre cosmological coincidences. Not only do we see a dazzling array of multi-colored stars, but within this single area of space is a hidden an ancient planetary nebula, a reflection nebula, a dark dust cloud, a Bok globule, a peculiar low-mass protostar, the edges of a massive X-ray bubble and the fringes of a supernova remnant. Hold on to the light of the Cepheus Flare and let’s step inside Wolf’s Cave…

In the northern fringe of Cepheus lay an enigmatic gathering of cosmic dust clouds that first gained the attention of astronomers in 1908 when Max Wolf and August Kopff first noticed its complex structure. Using a 28-inch reflector, Wolf took a 2.5 hour exposure of the dusty area which he described as a “long, dark lacuna” and positively identified the reflection nebula cataloged as Sh2-155. His assistant, Kopff, using the same photographic plate, was the first to note the Bok globule which later became cataloged by E.E. Barnard as B175.

Those were wonderful years for astronomy – years when poetic descriptions were still acceptable to the general consensus and Wolf dubbed the area the “Cave Nebula”. But this isn’t a spelunker’s dream, because the radiation emitted from the nearby bright, young OB star would would obliterate any explorer into this thick knot of interstellar dust. But there was one traveler, who dared – a main sequence star whose course took it through the dust maul at nearly 12 km per second. Running headlong into the obscuring mass at nearly supersonic speeds, the star slammed into Bok globule B175, sending shockwaves rippling through the structure and producing collisional excitation and ultraviolet pumping. The result of this cosmic crash was, of course, noted by Wolf in 1908 on his photographic records, but it was while searching high above the Milky Way’s galactic plane in 1934 that this dusty molecular cloud was was spied by Edwin Hubble and became known as the Cepheus Flare.

Together, reflection nebula Cederblad 201 and Bok globule B175 are referred to as van den Berg 152, and sometimes called Lynds Bright Nebula 524. Yet, it is Cederblad 201 itself that so interests modern science. Why? According to studies done by Goicoechea (et al) with the Spitzer Space Telescope, “We present the detection and characterization of a peculiar low-mass protostar (IRAS 22129+7000) located 0.4 pc from the Cederblad 201. The cold circumstellar envelope surrounding the object has been mapped through its 1.2 mm dust continuum emission with IRAM 30 m/MAMBO. The deeply embedded protostar is clearly detected with Spitzer. Given the large near- and mid-IR excess in its spectral energy distribution, but large submillimeter-to-bolometric luminosity ratio (it) must be a transition Class 0/I source and/or a multiple stellar system. Targeted observations of several molecular lines from CO, 13CO, C18O, HCO+, and DCO+ have been obtained. The presence of a collimated molecular outflow mapped with the CSO telescope in the CO line suggests that the protostar/disk system is still accreting material from its natal envelope. Indeed, optically thick line profiles from high-density tracers such as HCO+ show a redshifted absorption asymmetry reminiscent of inward motions. We construct a preliminary physical model of the circumstellar envelope (including radial density and temperature gradients, velocity field, and turbulence) that reproduces the observed line profiles and estimates the ionization fraction. The presence of both mechanical and (nonionizing) far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiative input makes the region an interesting case to study triggered star formation.”

Star formation? Not surprising deep inside the cave of a molecular cloud, but – if you’ll pardon the pun – the plot thickens. The entire complex is about 1400 light years away from us at the perimeter of yet another massive molecular cloud and at the same time it is situated on the frontier of a massive X-ray bubble located between the constellations of Cepheus and Cassiopeia. And that’s not all. Thanks to hydrogen-alpha imaging, the whisper thin strands of an ancient supernova remnant near Cederblad 201 have also been detected.

Like a radioactive roomba, the interstellar dust is being swept up as the expanding debris field moves toward where the Cepheus Flare lights the entrance to Wolf’s Cave. These shocked molecular gas filaments were discovered in 2001 by John Bally and Bo Reipurth and belong to SNR 110.3+11.3 – a unfathomably huge supernova remnant positioned only 1300 light years way – one of the closest known. Add to that the output of ancient planetary nebula Dengel-Hartl 5 and the celestial stew thickens even more. It is estimated all the elements will combine in about a thousand years and the product could very well ignite an incredible burst of star formation.

But, a thousand years is merely a blink of an eye in the grand scheme of things, isn’t it? According to the 2007 studies done of the Wolf’s Cave region by Edwin Bergin and Mario Tafalla; “Cold dark clouds are nearby members of the densest and coldest phase in the Galactic interstellar medium, and represent the most accessible sites where stars like our Sun are currently being born. Newly discovered IR dark clouds are likely precursors to stellar clusters. At large scales, dark clouds present filamentary mass distributions with motions dominated by supersonic turbulence. At small, subparsec scales, a population of subsonic starless cores provides a unique glimpse of the conditions prior to stellar birth. Recent studies of starless cores reveal a combination of simple physical properties together with a complex chemical structure dominated by the freeze-out of molecules onto cold dust grains. Elucidating this combined structure is both an observational and theoretical challenge whose solution will bring us closer to understanding how molecular gas condenses to form stars.”

Carbonates from the planetary nebula, dust, exciting energy, photoelectric heating, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, molecular gas… Where will it all end? What we do know is massive, bright star clusters are created from the giant molecular clouds. Will the Cepheus Torch one day ignite a brilliant stellar display from the mouth of Wolf’s Cave? I wonder…

The awesome photo for this story was provided by AORAIA member, Kent Wood. We thank you for the use of this splendid image!

Podcast: Gravity

Topics about Gravity
Earth's Gravity Map

You seem to like a nice series, so here’s a new one Fraser and Pamela have been thinking about. Over the course of the next 4 weeks, they’re going to cover each of the basic forces in the Universe. And this week, they’re going to start with gravity; the force you’re most familiar with. Gravity happens when masses attract one another, and we can calculate its effect with exquisite precision. But you might be surprised to know that scientists have no idea why gravity happens

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Gravity Show notes.

Rocket Explodes With NASA Experiments on Board

This ATK rocket exploded shortly after liftoff on Friday. Credit: Jacob Owen | NASA Wallops Flight Facility


Update: NASA said at a press conference this morning that launch officials were forced to destroy the rocket less than 30 seconds after it’s 5:10 a.m. launch. The rocket had veered off-course, although they couldn’t say how far, and they had to terminate the flight at about 12,000 feet.

A suborbital rocket carrying experiments conducted by NASA exploded early Friday morning 27 seconds after launch on Wallops Island in Virginia. The ATK (Alliant Tech Systems) rocket lifted off with no apparent problems at 5:10 a.m. NASA said no property damage or injuries have occurred, but there were conflicting reports as to whether debris had been sighted on land. NASA said it believes that most of the debris landed in the Atlantic Ocean.

NASA said the debris potentially could be hazardous. People who spot debris are being asked to call Wallops Emergency Operations Center at 757-824-1300.

“NASA is very disappointed in this failure but has directed its focus on protecting public safety and conducting a comprehensive investigation to identify the root cause,” the agency said in a statement. NASA is assembling a multidiscipline team, along with ATK of Salt Lake City, Utah to begin the investigation promptly.

The payload was a 5-in-1 experiment on hypersonic flight, air breathing engines and a rocket recovery system.

Source: NASA

Ares V Rocket Could Crush Kennedy’s Crawlerway: No Funding to Upgrade

Ares V: Heavy lift capability comes with a price (NASA)

There’s a big problem with Kennedy Space Center playing host to the Constellation Program: The heavy-lift rocket, Ares V, may be too heavy for the infrastructure to cope with. The crawlerway is a 40 year old road designed for the Saturn V (Apollo Program) crawler-transporters and is currently used to carry the Shuttle up to 6.8km (4.2 miles) from assembly building to launch pad. The crawlerway may be unable to withstand the weight of the fully-laden Ares V, transporter and mobile launch pad; a combined weight 33% heavier than anything the Kennedy crawlerway has ever supported. With the Constellation budget getting tighter every day that passes, the possibility of a multi-billion dollar crawlerway upgrade will only create more problems for NASA…

It seems the Good News:Bad News ratio for NASA’s Constellation Project is getting smaller with every news item that is posted. This week, the good news is: NASA may have solved the Ares vibration problem, but the bad news is: NASA has just released images of the failed Orion parachute test, the Constellation spacesuits will need to be produced by a different manufacturer and now we have concerns for the sub-standard infrastructure at Kennedy Space Center. So this week’s ratio so far is 1:3… not good. OK, that wasn’t a very scientific statistical analysis, but it is clear that the Constellation is off to a bumpy start. You could argue that bad news is more likely to make the headlines than good news, but the complications for NASA are becoming problematic and many are concerned that the gap between Shuttle decommissioning and Constellation launch could widen. This issue is now cropping up in the US Presidential race, with both frontrunning candidates (Obama and McCain) making promises for increased space agency funding.

Space Shuttle Discovery inching its way along the Crawlerway to pad 39B (NASA)
Space Shuttle Discovery inching its way along the Crawlerway to pad 39B (NASA)

So what is wrong with Kennedy’s crawlerway? The combined weight of NASA’s Ares V cargo launch vehicle, its mobile launcher and Constellation crawler-transporter may be too heavy for it to support. After all, the 6.8 km (4.2 mile) crawlerway was built with the Apollo program’s Saturn V in mind, 40 years ago. Fortunately it didn’t require an upgrade when transporting the Shuttle, but the difference in weight from the Shuttle to Ares V is stark. The fully-laden Shuttle (plus crawler and empty external tank) has a mass of 7.7 million kg (16.9 million lb); the fully-laden Ares V could weigh as much as 10.9 million kg (24 million lb). This mass increase could cause significant damage to the crawlerway and, ultimately, damage to Ares V should the existing road be used.

The crawlerway is designed as two 12 metre-wide lanes, separated by 15 metres. It has a surface of the road has 20 cm of river gravel on top of 90 cm of compacted limerock. Under that is two layers of “select fill” 1.1 metres deep.

Given the projected weight of the Ares V vehicle, mobile launcher and transporter, the total weight is about 33% higher than the crawlerway has ever supported there is a possibility that the crawlerway could fail to support the load, resulting in severe impacts to the Constellation programme.” – Constellation vertical integration element risk assessment.

Unfortunately, in July, NASA administrator Michael Griffin stated that there was no Constellation money left for Kennedy upgrades. So what can be done? For now it looks like Ares V will have to stay inside the assembly building until NASA comes up with a plan (or roll it down the crawlerway and hope for the best! This is probably why I’m not a NASA employee…)

Source: Flightglobal