Guide to Space

Shouldn’t We Fix the Earth First?

Fraser gives 5 answers to the question, “why should we explore space when we have so many problems here on…

8 years ago

How Do Supernovae Fail?

You know what’s scarier than a supernova? A supernova that fails, imploding into a black hole, vanishing from the Universe.

8 years ago

What was Sputnik One?

On October 4th, 1957, history was forever changed with the Soviet launch of Sputnik-1, the first artificial satellite to be…

8 years ago

What is Galactic Evolution?

Galaxies have a natural life cycle, which began shortly after the Big Bang and will likely continue for several trillion…

8 years ago

Can you buy Land on the Moon?

Despite the vagaries of international law, no matter what a slick business person tells you, there is no land for…

8 years ago

Where Are All The Alien Robots?

As you know, I’m obsessed about the Fermi Paradox. Where are all the aliens? But an even stranger question is:…

8 years ago

What Were the First Lunar Landings?

Before the historic Apollo-11 mission sent the first astronauts to the Moon, several robotic missions were mounted to the lunar…

8 years ago

When Will We Send Astronauts to Mars?

There's been plenty of talk about crewed missions to Mars happening in the next few decades. So when exactly will…

8 years ago

Messier 24 – the Sagittarius Star Cloud

Located in the direction of Sagittarius, approximately 10,000 light years from Earth, is the beautiful Small Sagittarius Star Cloud (aka.…

8 years ago

What are CubeSats?

Developed near the turn of the century, CubeSat technology has made space exploration and orbital research a lot more accessible.

8 years ago