Guide to Space

What is the Color of Pluto?

Thanks to the New Horizons mission, which conducted the first detailed study of Pluto in 2014, we know that Pluto's…

7 years ago

What is an Astronomical Unit?

The average distance between the Sun and the Earth - 149,597,870.7 km (or 92,955,807 mi) - is known as an…

7 years ago

Messier 38 – The Starfish Cluster

Located in the direction of the northern Auriga constellation, some light 4,200 years from Earth, is the open star cluster…

7 years ago

What About a Mission to Titan?

Europa is fine and all, but where we really need to go is Saturn's moon Titan. Let's look at some…

7 years ago

Why Doesn’t Earth Have Rings?

You'd think Saturn has all the luck, with its awesome rings. But it turns out, living on a planet with…

7 years ago

What is Uranus Named After?

Uranus was named in honor of the father of Cronos in Greek mythology, befitting its place in the Solar System…

7 years ago

How Far is Venus From the Sun?

In addition to be the second closet planet to our Sun, Venus also has the most circular orbit - varying…

7 years ago

Messier 37 – the NGC 2099 Open Star Cluster

Located in the Auriga constellation, roughly 4500 light years from Earth, is the open star cluster known as Messier 37.

7 years ago

What Did Cassini Teach Us?

In just a few months, NASA's Cassini spacecraft is going to die, crashing into the planet Saturn. Let's look back…

7 years ago

How Long is Day on Mercury?

Due to its rapid orbital period and slow rotation, a day on Mercury lasts 176 days, which is twice as…

7 years ago